Fans of the fighting games thought it would never happen. But then the first Capcom fighting games collection The past fall came out with remassers for some of the most important titles since the mid -90s (plus one of the 2000s), all in the same package. We are talking about absolute classics such as x-Men: Children of the atom, Marvel Super Heroes And most importantly, Marvel vs. Capcom 2. But goodness does not stop there because in a few months, another anthology comes out, The Capcom Fighting Collection 2 – That presents a possibly stronger alignment of fighters in the early 2000s. And after having the opportunity to obtain a preview of the game before its official launch on May 16, this assembly is a tribute to history of the fighting game as an excellent way to waste the rhythm time of the buttons.
Before entering too deeply, I must mention that only three of the eight total titles could be played during my demonstration (Capcom vs SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium 2001, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper and Project justice). Anyway, here is the full line of games in Capcom Fighting Collection 2:
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro
Capcom vs SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper
Power Stone 2
Project Justice
Plasma sword: Bilstein nightmare
Now I will be the first to admit that I do not have much experience with SFA3U either Project Justice Compared to some of the other titles of this collection, but even with the latter with what seems raw graphics for modern standards, it is clear that there is an interesting fighting game under those great block polygons. In addition, thanks to a large catalog of extras such as classic instructional cards and movement lists, it was easy to collect the basic concepts while obtaining an additional context in the development of the game. I can't wait to play more.
Meanwhile, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper It represents a version of the game that was difficult to leave Japan and presents a complete list, including the six characters that were only available in certain domestic console releases. In particular, there is also a solution for the failure that allowed easy infinity when used by V-ISM mechanics, which is a reason often cited by which the game did not realize (especially in the West), since it altered the balance and allowed people to abuse personalized combos.

But without a doubt, the crown jewel of the entire collection is Capcom vs SNK 2That, in my opinion, it is one of the 10 best fighting games of all time. From its funky character selection screen with those iconic diamond sheets to an incredible soundtrack full of Bangers such as songs for the New York, BARENTSBURG and London Stages, it has more style and personality of what you know what to do. Seriously, put those clues and if you are not instantly moving your head to the rhythm, you may be dead inside.
CVS2 It also offers more polished shots on the relationship system of its predecessor and the ISM of SFA3 With the Groove system that gives you a lot of play styles for each character. So, even if I only had 30 minutes to play, I couldn't help smiling every time I unleashed a personalized combo using a groove Ken or troll the CPU with Ratio Cuatro Haohmaru. The controls are adjusted, the graphics are super crisp and the game plays as well as I remember. Better, even, considering that the drivers and arcade sticks of today are more precise than anything we had more than 20 years ago.

Although I did not have the opportunity to try it, it is also important to keep in mind that the collection is adding in line multiplayer with Rolling Netcode to each game. This should be a great update compared to alternative solutions such as applications such as Fightcade, which are often not as stuttering as the appropriate matching in the game (as some of the hypo in the clip from above) demonstrate. My only complaint is that, although I appreciate small details, such as having a lot of visual treatments that make the game better when it is played in modern LCDs compared to the CRT of the old school, I would like them to come with more descriptive labels instead of simply being listed as listed. Filter A, B, C, etc.

But perhaps the most important thing, by putting all these games in one place, it is much easier for people to access titles such as CVS2which have been difficult to find since its original launch in 2001. Honestly, I would pay $ 40 just to have a modern version of CVS2 and Power Stone 2 I can play without dusting a PS2 or Dreamcast (the last of which I don't even have). Then, to obtain both together with six other titles with tons of original art, improved training modes, a couple of bonus songs and a limited editing comic (although only for physical copies) feels like a really excellent value. Of course, these games could only be resort, but for those with good memories of the fighting games of the early 2000s, this is that this is true love we are doing again.
He Capcom Fighting Collection 2 It is now available for official sales that begin on May 16 for $ 40.
This article originally appeared in Engadget at Fighting-collection-2-is-a-cebraciCion-of-arly-2000S Brawlers-150055451.html? SRC = RSSSSS