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Premium content from Motley Fool Share Advisor UK
Investors following the Fire style are accepting greater risks with the goal of achieving greater returns over time. This approach therefore requires a higher risk tolerance and a willingness to accept significant volatility in stock prices. In October 2019, we also expanded the range of our Fire stocks to also include potential recommendations from the US stock market, which tends to include a better variety of “growth” stocks.
We suggest that investors who primarily purchase Fire stocks should pay special attention to diversifying their portfolios. With enough diversification, investors should still be able to benefit from any upside, while limiting the damage to their portfolio when situations don't turn out as we expected.
We do not consider Fire However, investing is a game of chance or a get-rich-quick scheme. Our goal is to be long-term owners of these businesses and reap the fruits of their success. Our investment time horizon for these stocks is measured in years and decades, not weeks and months.
“(This company's) track record in (its sector) is unparalleled, and the combination of its stability and growth potential makes the stock attractive to us in the current market environment.”
Ian Pierce, Stock Advisor
November Fire Recommendation:
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