Tiktok is once again available at Apple's app store and Google's play store in the United States. The application disappeared from Apple and Google stores on January 19, 2025, when a national prohibition entered into force. Briefly.
What will finally happen to Tiktok still are clear. President Trump wants to reach an “agreement” that allows the company to remain operational in the United States, including the arrangements that would give the United States government a participation in the company.
Do you know who is probably furious? All other social media companies.
– Mat Smith
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Apple will present its new family member 'next week
On February 19, perhaps a new iPhone SE and a second generation plane.
In a tweet on Thursday, CEO Tim Cook told Apple fans to “prepare to meet the new family member.” What is that product is still a slight mystery, although we will not have to wait too long to find out “The revelation will take place on Wednesday, February 19.
While we have focused on an iPhone se of next generation, Cook's tweet also presented an animated image of a shining Apple logo in what seems to be the contour of an airplane. There have been rumors for a time that Apple would present a second generation tracker at some point in this year.
Also: Airtags has changed my life. Or at least it prevented me from blocking me from my apartment several times in recent years. It will be intriguing to see what else a tracker can offer. Please do not do it.
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Honda and Nissan have finished their fusion plans
Do not have.
The 2025 technological love story is over. Honda and Nissan have finished fusion plans. If they had passed it and also brought Mitsubishi controlled by Nissan on board, the new entity would have had a net assets of around $ 50 billion.
The Financial Times He informed at the beginning of February that Honda presented a new structure of the company that would make Nissan its subsidiary as an “Take it or leave the” offer. Nissan decided to leave it.
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Ask Engadget: Where is the best place to buy a cheap iPad?
Ask Mat anything.
Thanks to all the first questions of questions (beat me in Askmat (at) Engadget.com), including a timely question in front of Apple's new hardware. By Matt Ali: What is the cheapest way to get an iPad? And which one should obtain at the beginning of 2025?
Instead of doing my own research or asking chatbots of the deranged, I took advantage of our iPad (and reviewer) expert, for an answer:

“Apple Hardware is known for being expensive, but the company has a store full of high quality restored products that can save some serious cash. I have bought many devices there over the years and I have never had a problem: everything is in new conditions and has the same guarantee as a new product. “
At the time of writing, there are some good options in Apple renewed store If you want an almost as capable iPad as the newest models but want to save some cash. If you want the largest possible screen, you can get a With a M2 and 256 GB chip of storage for $ 979. Taking into account that the last 13 -inch iPad Pro begins at $ 1299, this deserves consideration, especially if you are an artist who wants a great canvas.
If you don't need that big screen, consider the . For $ 529, you will get an 11 -inch screen, an M1 and 256 GB chip of storage. That is $ 170 less than the current IPAD M2 Air with the same amount of storage. Apple's standard iPad is also restored, but can often find a new version for sale on amazon. Between that and the rumors of a new basic iPad that comes this spring, it would avoid this for now.
If you want to update the storage or obtain a model with cellular connectivity, that must also be feasible for additional cash. For me, 256 GB or 512 GB is the optimal point for storage, given the ubiquity of the cloud, having a lot of local storage does not feel particularly necessary.
Similarly, cell connectivity probably is not worth the additional cash unless you plan to travel with your iPad. Most of the time, you can easily connect an iPad to your phone if you need to connect quickly. But, those renewal options are available if you want them. ”
Thanks Nate! Other technological dilemmas? Modern text label? The best way to make your laptop go to your New Year's physical conditioning objectives? Hit. Me. Above!
This article originally appeared in Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/general/the-morning-after-engadget-newsletter-121508200.html?src=rsss