There is one important caveat: only Premium Telegram subscribers have unlimited access to transcripts; Free users will be limited to converting only two messages per week. Still, that's better than nothing and could come in handy in rare situations where you need to keep your hands free. Telegram says the transcription feature is being rolled out gradually and may not be available everywhere right away.
Telegram also features Similar Channels, which provides a list of other public channels that may be of interest when users join a new channel. These suggested channels are automatically recommended based on similarities in their subscriber bases, which can make it easier to find like-minded people to chat with. Other new features in the latest update include the ability to grow the audience of your loved ones or favorite channels by reposting their stories to your own page, adding new content like text, audio or video messages to those republished stories, and performance statistics . view that shows story views, shares, and reactions for channels that can publish stories.
Some cosmetic adjustments have also been made. Telegram Premium users can now set wallpapers in individual chats that will be displayed for both them and their chat partner, for example. Premium users can also make their profile page stand out by customizing it with a unique color and logo combination. Finally, a fun new animation has been added for iOS users that vaporizes messages that have been set to automatically delete after a time limit has passed, creating a pixel explosion that would amuse Thanos himself.