Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been indicted by French prosecutors and banned from leaving the country amid their investigation into the Russian billionaire. Durov was officially charged on Wednesday with “complicity in the distribution of child pornography, illegal drugs and hacking software” on the messaging app he founded, as well as “refusing to cooperate with investigations into illegal activity on Telegram.” The Wall Street Journal tech/telegram-ceo-pavel-durov-charged-french-authorities-43a125a2″ rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:reported;elm:context_link;elmt:doNotAffiliate;cpos:1;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”>.
Durov, who was arrested on Saturday outside Paris, was released on bail of five million euros. He is required to remain in France “under judicial supervision” and report to a police station twice a week while the investigation unfolds. That could take months or possibly years, The New York Times reports. The WSJ points out.
This means that Durov, who is known for his frequent… technology/pavel-durov-telegram-founder.html” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:moving around;elm:context_link;elmt:doNotAffiliate;cpos:2;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”> and working from other countries, he will be stuck in France for the foreseeable future unless the charges against him are dropped. In a previous article, Telegram called the charges against its founder “absurd” and said he should not be held responsible for the actions of his app’s users.