Budget-conscious entrepreneurs and early-stage startup founders pay attention: This is not the time to procrastinate. We only have 7 days of advance pricing left for TechCrunch Early Stage 2023 in Boston on April 20.
Don’t wait… the early riser gets the… SAVINGS: Buy a $249 Founder’s Pass and save $200 before prices increase April 1; it is not a joke.
TC Early Stage is our only event where you get hands-on training from experts to help your business succeed. There’s no need to reinvent the startup wheel—you’ll have access to leading experts in a variety of specialties.
During this one-day startup bootcamp, you’ll learn about legal, fundraising, marketing, growth, product-to-market, launching, recruiting, and more. We’re talking over 40 very engaging presentations, workshops and panel discussions with interactive Q&A and plenty of networking time.
These are just a few examples of the themes we have available. You will find much more in the event agenda.
How to tell your TAM: Dayna Grayson of Construct Capital invests in rebuilding the most critical and broken industries in our economy. Industries like manufacturing and logistics, among others, that were formed in an analog world have been bypassed by advanced technology. Dayna will talk about how, beyond the idea, founders can attract investors to their TAM, including how they will enter the market and how they will eventually disrupt it.
How to think about accelerators and incubators: Founders often hear they should get involved with an incubator or accelerator, but when is the “right” time for early-stage founders to apply to these kinds of startup support ecosystems and how best to get involved? are they accepted? In this talk, Harvard Innovation Labs CEO Matt Segneri will cover everything from the types of incubators and accelerators available to early-stage founders, to what startups should consider before applying, and tips for getting the most out of it. these ecosystems.
How to Raise Out of SV in a Bear Market: Silicon Valley’s funding market tends to be more immune to macroeconomic conditions than anywhere else in the world. So how do you climb out of the Valley bubble? General Catalyst’s Mark Crane has extensive experience on both the founder and VC sides across Europe, as well as a solid understanding of the funding landscape in the Northeast US, so he will provide practical advice on how to stay alive and thrive.
At TechCrunch Early Stage, you’ll leave with a deeper understanding of the topics and skills that are essential to startup success. Founders Save $200 with an Early Bird Founder Ticket: college students pay only $99!