When Samsung unveiled the world's first 27-inch 4K OLED gaming monitor on Thursday, Engadget's Igor Bonifacic predicted that other vendors would soon follow suit. (After all, Samsung is also the largest supplier of OLED gaming monitor panels.) Sure enough, MSI followed suit on the same day at CES 2025 with two monitors with familiar specs: a 27-inch 4K QD-OLED display and a 27-inch QD-OLED display with incredibly smooth 500Hz . refresh rate.
First up: the 27-inch 4K QD-OLED, neatly marketed as… MPG 272URX QD-OLED. (Sure, why not!) MSI is differentiating its monitor as the first to combine that panel with <a target="_blank" data-i13n="elm:context_link;elmt:doNotAffiliate;cpos:3;pos:1" class="link " href="https://vesa.org/featured-articles/vesa-adds-new-performance-levels-to-clearmr-and-displayhdr-true-black-standards-to-support-display-technology-advances-for-gamers-and-content-creators/” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:DisplayPort 2.1a;elm:context_link;elmt:doNotAffiliate;cpos:3;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”>DisplayPort 2.1awhich can provide a better combination of resolution and frame rate. Like the Samsung equivalent (the G81SF), it has a 240Hz refresh rate and should look nice and sharp at 166 PPI.
MSI says this panel “significantly reduces color fringing,” which should help with the poor text clarity that's all too often common with QD-OLED displays. As my colleague Igor points out, this could be an ideal monitor for gaming, working, or anything else you can think of.
It supports NVIDIA's G-SYNC technology, so smooth gameplay probably won't be a concern. The MPG 272URX QD-OLED even took home the CES 2025 Innovation Award.
The 27-inch QHD QD-OLED model also has a catchy and memorable name: MPG 272QR QD-OLED X50. (Yes!) MSI is marketing this monitor for “all mainstream gamers,” probably due to its lower resolution (2560 x 1440). It also uses DisplayPort 2.1a and (like Samsung's) can have a gray-to-gray pixel response time of 0.03 ms. It received VESA ClearMR 21000 certification, so motion blur shouldn't be an issue when enjoying its incredible 500Hz refresh rate.
MSI has not yet shared information on pricing or release dates for either model.