Since 2017, Jade, also known as the face of the Lofi Girl YouTube Channel – has been an almost constant companion for fans of calm and contemplative music. Now, she is missing. At about 1 pm ET, Jade and her ginger tabby simply disappeared, and not since they shut down the YouTube channel for a few days last year has the Lofi Girl fandom been in such an uproar.
In his absence, the current began to slowly approach a window that was located in one of the buildings in front of Jade’s house. A blinking blue light produced a morse code that fans found points to . As of the writing of this article, there isn’t much to see. Clicking the “Start” button redirects you to a second that’s playing background music. The broadcast features a clock that is counting down to April 11 at 1 p.m. ET. Other than that, there isn’t much to go on. The room is bathed in blue light and filled with memorabilia from ancient times, including a Gunpla model of and a . What all this is pointing to, no one knows even more than an elaborate marketing campaign.
Earlier that day, Team AMW, the marketing agency representing the Lofi Girl channel, promising a “surprise” on April 11 that would take the channel’s “immersive experience” to new heights. As there is already can buy, so there’s probably something more complicated on the horizon. Either way, we’ll find out how this mystery ends tomorrow.
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