amazon Prime Day 2024 is here, but the deals just keep coming. People with a Google Pixel or other Android device who are looking for a cheap pair of earbuds may be interested in a discount on the Pixel Buds A-Series (they're also compatible with iPhones, but the integration won't be as deep into iOS products). These earbuds were already a decent value at $99, and now they're down to an even lower price. amazon;elmt:;cpos:2;pos:1″ href=”” class=”link rapid-with-clickid etailiffa-link” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:more attractive price of $69;elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:amazon;elmt:;cpos:2;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”>.
We gave her the Pixel Buds A-Series. They don't support wireless charging or have in-ear controls, but otherwise we thought they offered excellent value for the money (even more so now thanks to the current discount).

The Pixel Buds A-Series, a budget set of earbuds from Google aimed at Android users, are now on sale.
amazon&custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5hbWF6b24uY29tL0dvb2dsZS1QaXhlbC1CdWRzLUhlYWRwaG9uZXMtQmx1ZXRvb3RoL2RwL0IwQkNRVkpQUVA_dGFnPWdkZ3QwYy1wLXYtMTJxLTIwIiwiY29udGVudFV1aWQiOiI5YWU5OGFmNy00NzAyLTRlNWYtODBmOS1mZTJiZmU0MDlmMDIifQ&signature=AQAAARJf1vd397eia-VliKSEVdOi-fuJy2wqQ_kCbC2SWaZ8&” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”sec:large-product;subsec:commlist;cpos:1;elmt:chooseForMe;pdid:Google Pixel Buds A-Series;pid:amazon_B0BCQVJPQP;aid:amazon_B0BCQVJPQP;itemcost:$99;itmId:$69;sellerN:amazon;ll3:product-available;ll4:productoffer-manual;elm:affiliate_link;itc:0;slk:$69 at amazon;pkgt:horizontal-cta-1;pos:4″>$69 on amazon
Sound quality is pretty decent, and the earbuds can reduce background noise while you’re on a call. You’ll get up to five hours of listening time and 2.5 hours of talk time before you need to return the earbuds to the case, Google says. You’ll reportedly get up to 24 hours of total listening time before you need to charge the case. Thanks to fast charging, you’ll be able to add three hours of listening time after plugging the case in for just 15 minutes. While there’s an adaptive sound feature to automatically adjust the volume, there’s no true active noise cancellation here.
If you want a more premium option, you can go for the Pixel Buds Pro. These have amazon;elmt:;cpos:4;pos:1″ href=”″ class=”link rapid-with-clickid etailiffa-link” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:dropped to $140,;elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:amazon;elmt:;cpos:4;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”> which is a $60 discount. However, during Prime Day, the price dropped to $120.
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