you could say it fortnite is entering a new phase. With the launch of lego fortnite, rocket racingand Fortnite Festival, the game is now more than just a popular battle royale: it's a platform designed to host many different types of experiences. That change was preceded by an event that returned the game to its roots with fortnite OG, which returned to the original Battle Royale map along with classic weapons and vehicles. And that was a very intentional strategy on the part of Epic Games.
According to Epic executive vice president Saxs Persson, the launch of fortnite OG was meant to create a buzz before new games were released. “We had the goal of reactivating many of our 500 million accounts that perhaps were not playing fortnite more, and I thought fortnite It was just a real battle,” he explains. “You need to pay attention to see that this is really very different from what we were six years ago. OG was the first step.” It certainly seems to have worked in that sense; Epic previously said that fortnite had 100 million players in November, the best month in the history of the game.
The second step is the launch this week of those three games developed by Epic, each aimed at a different audience. It's still too early to know if any of them will be successful, but the early signs are encouraging. At the time of writing, almost 2 million people were playing lego fortnitewhile more than 800,000 played Fortnite Festival, who had led the traditional royal battle. Persson says the goal isn't necessarily to beat the game's current main mode.
“The ultimate goal is for that to be possible (for another game to surpass Battle Royale),” he says. “We're not building something with the idea that Battle Royale will just fall by the wayside. That team is healthier than ever. This is not a zero-sum game; We hope the ecosystem grows.”