Sen's teacher is a veteran when it comes to resources in teaching special needs. The online platform has been operating for 25 years to support teachers and students with special needs.
When landing on the website, you can have the feeling that it has not been updated much in the fourth century, it has existed. That is not a bad thing and it is largely because this maintains everything minimal and clear to facilitate use.
The site is built to be accessible to all, without giving any personal detail or paying anything to get underway. The extras are available if you want to create an account, but more about that below.
This guide aims to clarify everything you can get from Master Sen so you can assess how you could work for you.
What is Sen's teacher?
Professor Sen It is a dedicated website that meets special educational needs. Specifically, it is a support for teachers who want to access resources for students with special needs.
The website is simple but includes digital and physical resources aimed at using teachers. That means a large number of printables, as well as a selection of applications that are designed to function both online, in laptops and smartphones and tablets.
The site has its own search section, but since everything is designed in drop -down menus, with useful subsections, it is likely that you rarely need to write a search. Although it has details in mind, this could be useful.
SEN teacher's printable (Image credit: SEN teacher)
How does Sen's teacher work?
Sen's teacher establishes everything for you to access directly from the home page. You meet the printable section available for instant access.
Navigate to the upper left hamburger menu and you can select between printable, applications and search tools. Click each and are given subsections, such as mathematics, literacy and social in the Printable section.
Navigate and meet a selection of resources to use. In the case of applications, you offer a description, as well as the details of the license and the editor. Each platform is also listed in which it is available, with links to download.
You also have the option to log in, if you want to create an account. More about why you want, then.
SEN teachers applications (Image credit: SEN teacher)
What are the best characteristics of teacher Sen?
Sen's teacher is super clear and simple, as well as free. A good selection of printables is available, with a “more popular” useful option to quickly present with some of the favorites. Click to select the quality you want, color or black and white options, and even press the “Magic” button to vary the output and style.
Other adjustable for printable include the ability to vary the activity, perhaps changing the forms. Or edit color options with tabs and variable lines.
A useful list of certificates is available with many options to edit and customize as necessary.
Applications are varied and generally come on many platforms to meet their needs at that time. These are specifically designed by necessity with tools such as Senswitcher, which is made for those with deep and multiple learning difficulties. This uses high contrast and sound graphics with many variations to adjust as necessary for progress.
The ability to create a account login allows you to have an My Stuff section where you can save favorites for fast access in the future. You can also save your personalized words lists and card sets here.
Application of Master Sen (Image credit: SEN teacher)
How much does Sen's teacher cost?
Sen's teacher is totally free To access and use. You do not need to register to start using everything available here immediately.
An account creation option is available, but this only requires you to use an email address to be immediately operational. This option allows you to organize your favorites for easy retirement.
The best tips and tricks of Sen's teacher
Create an account Make this free and powerful resources space with an account so that you can organize everything for fast access when necessary.
Get an application Find applications that work and use them on all devices to help students work with different devices, while they are maintained with applications they know.
Play with printable Show students how to edit and adjust printable so that they can begin to understand how mechanics it works before using the output.