As the world of education progresses, it becomes increasingly necessary to attend to different learning styles to provide students with the best possible learning experience. While teachers still provide the best way to reach students, you can create a unique and attended learning environment through the use of a dedicated chatbot.
Here we talk to Travis True, a curricular technology specialist for public schools of USD 501 Topeka, about the benefits of implementing chatbots in the classroom, how teachers can configure chatbots and why education should be inclined in its innovative phase when it comes to technology.
Creation of a chatbot to support education
One of the main problems for teachers is the lack of time they have to dedicate to real teaching. Most of the free time is often derails for the employed administrative work. However, a chatbot in the classroom can help improve the learning experience for students and at the same time give teachers an additional set of eyes, ears and hands during the day.
“The chatbots, in the educational field, provide teachers with the opportunity to create a personal learning environment for the student,” says True. “They can administer what information is provided. They can load your own information on which the chatbot will feed the information.”
And how can a chatbot work in education but outside the classroom?
“At school or district level, district leaders can allow district leaders to establish tools that parents or even personnel can use to help find information quickly,” says True.
An example of this is True's implementation of a high school manual in a chatbot.
“One thing that I have been testing and building is a chatbot that has one of the students of our high school loaded,” says True. “The idea is that we put it on this website and make it available (for that high school). Then it becomes a 24/7 tool that students and parents can use to ask questions about what is in the manual.”
Having the ability to easily access any specific information you are looking for can help save time and at the same time allow a better general use of the resource.
Chatbots inside the classroom
Being able to reduce complex information is useful, but what about how chatbots can help students advance with their education?
“Teachers can customize those chatbots to children fighting for learning a concept,” says True. “They can also configure a chatbot for those children who need a more advanced learning tool.”
Students who need a more specialized touch with their education can receive that attention with a chatbot. And, as it points true, creating one is not a difficult task for educators who have access to platforms enabled for ai as SCHOOL either Magic School.
“The tools to which teachers have access are quite simple,” he says. “Instructions, standards enter and how chatbot will interact with students. On the student's side, there is a learning curve, because you must ask good questions to get good information from the chatbot. That is a good ability to students, knowing how to ask good questions to get good answers.”
And in case there must be a change in the information provided by a chatbot (or what it responds), it is not difficult to keep up with the changes.
“There will always be some maintenance and some adjustments that must happen,” says True. “The tools to which teachers have access (such as Schoolai and Magicschool) keep records of each interaction. Teachers can enter and see how students interact with those (tools).”
From there, a teacher can make the appropriate settings for chatbot to serve students more effectively.
<h2 id="embracing-game-changing-edtech-3″>Hugging edtech that changes the game
The use of technology in education is not new, but adding ai has opened so many doors to the way we attend education for our students and teachers.
“This is a game change technology,” says True. “It is moving much faster than Google (when it came out). We need to hug it as educators and leaders. We need to accept it because it will not go. But we also need to teach children how to use it correctly. It is another pillar of digital citizens. ai literacy, directly with cyber harassed and use the internet correctly.”
Having all this wonderful educational technology is excellent, but it is important to teach students how to properly use what they have to give them the best opportunity for success in the future. Chatbots can do exactly that and much more.