Research sources
Ait Bella, A., et al. (2024). The effects of literature circles on students' reading comprehension skills. International Journal of Social Sciences and Human Research.
APRILLIA, A. (2022). Observational study of speech in the classroom during online literature circles. Salee: Applied Linguistics Study and English Education.
El-Asery, A. (2023). Implementation of virtual literature circles to develop the acquisition of vocabulary and reading comprehension of the students of English students. International Journal of English and Literature Studies.
Karatay, H. (2017). The effect of literature circles on text analysis and the desire for reading. The International Magazine of Higher Education, 6(5), 65-75.
Subjak, JV, et al. (2019). TOI-503: The first known binary of the star AM Brown-Dwarf of the Tess mission. The Astronomical Journal, 159.
Talent, Pi and Himawati, U. (2023). Read together, learn together: the impact of literature circles on the participation of students in reading. Legal culture (Culture, Language and Literature review).
Wen, J. (2024). On the implementation of the “Literature Circles” teaching model in the teaching of English reading. Sustainable development borders.
Yardim, L. and Okur, A. (2022). The impact of the technique of circles of literature on speech skills. Sakarya University Education Magazine.