(Image credit: Starin/Kati Thompson)
Passion .
A simple word that can make a big difference. The education sector has always been among the highest levels of the IT world, but it takes a special person to weave its complexities and nuances into a new home.
That's what Kati Thompson did when she joined Starin in September 2021. Combining her education background as a former substitute teacher and her work within the educational technology industry at the manufacturer level, she has elevated Starin's presence in the education sector.
Starin, based in Chesterton, Indiana, was acquired by Midwich in 2020. Considering it's a small but mighty distributor, it's the people at Starin that make it unique. As their motto says: “Take care of yourself, be better.” Although it's not always about the sale; it's about the moments and people that precede it that can really have an impact. Knowing that the products shipped daily will be used to improve not only the boardrooms but also the classrooms makes all the difference in the end.
Starin had never ventured into the education sector until Kati was hired. In her, they saw someone who could handle the pressures of the distribution world and a powerhouse willing to teach those around her the best way to handle a completely new perspective on the industry. Starin's expert in-house design team and top-notch brand managers provided a solid foundation to easily integrate the education vertical and allow it to flourish.
For Kati, education and the needs of students in the classroom take priority over technology . By attending trade shows, speaking with manufacturers, and meeting with resellers and end users, there is nothing standing in the way of her learning everything she can to help not only her team, but also those she speaks to daily. . She knew that getting to Starin and being at the forefront of a new vertical would be a challenge, but she was proud to take it on. From onboarding education-oriented brands, training Starin's distributors, creating learning opportunities for the team around her, and persistently pushing to grow the vertical, one might wonder where she finds the time.
Starin is taking its award-winning consultative approach to unified communications and applying it to a whole new world of possibilities, focusing on what makes education so special and the people who cultivate its growth. Without passion, I would never have been successful, but both Kati and Starin have proven time and time again that vertical education is strong and is here to stay.
Go here to learn more about what Starin can do for you.
(Image credit: Starin)