Authentic learning is a learning philosophy that puts the student in the driver's seat, encouraging them to learn through real-world experiences that are authentic to them and reflect the work that professionals could do in the field. This process can deepen students' learning and better prepare them for future careers, fans of authentic learning say.
“It's the difference between reading about history and being a historian, or reading about science and being a scientist,” says Todd Stanley, an educator at Pickerington Local Schools in Ohio and author of Authentic Learning: Real-world experiences that develop 21st century skills .
Here you'll find everything you need to know about authentic learning, from tips on how to implement it in various subjects to common misconceptions about the practice.
What is authentic learning?
Authentic learning often begins with the student and allows him or her to incorporate learning experiences and opportunities that are authentic and meaningful to him or her. In authentic learning classrooms, students can record a podcast about history instead of writing a history essay, and/or present various projects to authentic audiences ranging from parents to experts in the field they are studying.
The teaching philosophy is linked to approaches such as active learning, project-based learning , flipped learning and other similar teaching practices. Stanley says inquiry-based learning is a good catch-all for these various overlapping and intersecting teaching strategies.
What are some examples of authentic learning?
Authentic learning can involve taking a topic or unit and building a project around it that teaches students. Common examples are science projects based on climate change in the local environment in which students attend school.
Sometimes, however, finding authentic experiences and risks can be challenging. “I was a social studies teacher and taught ancient history,” Stanley says. So he had to ask himself, “How can I have true authenticity when I teach about ancient Mesopotamia?” He was able to connect the ancient world to the authentic experiences of students today by asking them to create a podcast about ancient Mesopotamia.
In another class, when one of his students wanted to focus on environmental science in a way that went beyond Stanley's expertise, he put him in touch with a prominent environmental scientist and professor at a nearby university.
Stanley also invited business leaders to Shark Tank-style pitch events and reached out to other community experts for help with the students.
What are some misconceptions about authentic learning?
Stanley teaches other educators about authentic learning and often encounters those who are worried about what their principal may think and whether students will meet learning standards. He says that most of the time principals love this type of innovative teaching and that meeting standards can be easier with authentic learning, although he acknowledges that there may still be a place in many classrooms for direct instruction by of the teacher.
Many teachers also fear that they will not have time to implement authentic learning projects in their classes. “At first it will take you some time to create the projects, but once they are created, and you are just editing them, massaging them and shaping them as you go, you find that you have more time,” she said. she says.
What are some tips for implementing authentic learning?
Start small, Stanley says, perhaps with one unit or concept, and then build from there. Teachers should also be aware that not every project will turn out well, and that's okay. Finally, teachers should make sure to involve parents by letting them know how the class is going.
“You might get questions from parents who don't understand because they'll say, 'This doesn't look like a school when I went to school,'” Stanley says. “That's why I always try to be proactive with parents. “He always sent newsletters home.” These would explain what the students were working on and why and how parents could help their children with the project. “That eliminated a lot of problems with parents,” Stanley says. “Because parents just want to help their children.”