Thanksgiving jokes for kids are the topic of our blog post today!
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, there’s no better time than now to share laughter and good vibes. Today, I have a ton of Thanksgiving jokes that are perfect for kids or anyone young at heart. These jokes are about turkeys, pilgrims and everything in between, which will make you and your little ones laugh!
While you’re getting into the holiday spirit, why not visit our Thanksgiving resources section? You’ll find some spooky materials that are perfect for the season. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the Thanksgiving good mood!
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Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids
Here are some popular Thanksgiving jokes for kids:
1. Why did the turkey join a gang?
- Because he had the drumsticks!

2. What is turkey’s favorite dessert?
3. What did the turkey say to the computer?
- “Google Google Google!”
4. What is the name of a running turkey?
5. Why did the scarecrow win a prize?
- Because he excelled in his field, but the turkey excelled in his “cornfield.”
6. What is a turkey’s favorite dance?
7. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo?
- A turkey that can pluck itself!

8. What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
- They ripped out the stuffing!
9. What is a turkey called the day after Thanksgiving?
10. What sound does a limping turkey make?
11. What did the mother turkey say to her naughty son?
- If your dad could see you now, he’d be upset!
12. How do you float a turkey?
- You need root beer, ice cream, and turkey!
13. Why did the turkey cross the street twice?
- To prove it wasn’t a chicken!
14. What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter?
- “Quack, quack, quack!”
15. What is turkey’s favorite Thanksgiving dish?
- Nothing, it’s already full!
16. What is the age of a pilgrim called?
Related: The Best Thanksgiving Books for Kids
17. What did one autumn leaf say to another?

18. Why did they let the turkey join the band?
- Because he had the drumsticks.
19. What key has legs and cannot open doors?
20. What did the little turkey say to the big turkey?
- Peck someone your size!
21. What did one turkey say to the other turkey?
22. What is a turkey’s least favorite game?
23. Why did the turkey dress up?
- So they wouldn’t recognize him at Thanksgiving dinner!

24. What is the best song to sing when preparing your turkey?
- “Everything about that Baste!”
25. Why do turkeys always lose at poker?
- Because they can’t keep a straight “poker pick”!
26. What is the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
27. Why was the turkey on the Thanksgiving table so proud?
28. What is a turkey’s favorite Thanksgiving food?
- Corn in the “gobble!”
29. How did the Mayflower show that she liked America?
30. What did the turkey say to the corn?
31. Why was the math book sad at Thanksgiving?
- Because I had too many problems!
32. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
33. What would you get if you crossed a turkey with an octopus?
- Enough thighs for everyone at Thanksgiving dinner!

34. What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter?
35. Why did the turkey sit next to the mashed potatoes?
- I wanted to be “crushed!”
36. What did the turkey say before being roasted?
37. How do you keep a turkey on its toes?
- I’ll let you know next Thanksgiving!
38. What would you get if you crossed a turkey with a baked fruit dessert?
39. Why did the turkey play drums in the band?
- Because he had the drumsticks!
40. What did the turkey say to the computer?
- “I’m going to devour you!”
41. What did the turkey say to the comedian turkey?
42. What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?

43. What did the cranberries say to the turkey?
- “Stop swallowing me!”
44. How do you float a turkey?
- Two scoops of ice cream, root beer, and a turkey!
45. Why did the turkey refuse to eat dessert?
- Because it was already full!
46. Why did the cranberry sauce blush?
- Because he saw the turkey dressing!
47. What is the turkey’s favorite instrument?
- The “thigh”, of course!
48. Why did the Pilgrim’s pants keep falling down?
- Because he had the belt on his hat!

49. Why did the turkey cross the playground?
- To get to the other slide!
50. What did the big turkey say to the little turkey?
- “Peck someone your size!”
51. Why did the scarecrow invite the turkey to dinner?
- Because he was “outstanding” in his field!
52. What sound does a limping turkey make?
53. What is the best thing to put on pumpkin pie?
54. What is your favorite part of the turkey song?
55. What is a turkey’s favorite type of movie?
- Anything with “bird” language!

56. What did the turkey say to the Pilgrim?
- “I can’t believe you invited me to dinner!”
57. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo?
- A turkey that can pluck itself!
58. How did the turkey feel after Thanksgiving?
- Stuffed but well dressed!
59. Why did the Pilgrim bring a ladder to Thanksgiving dinner?
- He heard it was a “high” table!
60. What is the name of a turkey that likes to play music?

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Final thoughts
From turkey jokes to Pilgrim puns, I hope these Thanksgiving jokes make you smile and give you something extra to be thankful for this holiday season. Share them with your kids, your friends, or, well, even the family dog might get a good laugh. Just remember, the best thing about Thanksgiving is sharing it with the people you love and a good laugh makes everything better.