It is important to understand that it is not necessary have Start with DOK 1 and gradually work your way up. In fact, starting with a challenging DOK 3 or 4 assignment can be incredibly motivating, sparking curiosity and prompting students to actively seek out the foundational knowledge (DOK 1 or 2) they need to meet the challenge.
Students with low self-efficacy may avoid engaging in tasks altogether, for fear of appearing “dumb.” DOK 1 and DOK 2 questions often have a single correct answer, and not being able to recall that information quickly can be stressful and embarrassing. In contrast, DOK 3 and DOK 4 questions encourage an initial response of “Hmmm, I don’t know. Let me think about it.” Strategic thinking kicks in, leading students to try something, receive feedback (even if it’s just realizing a solution is incorrect), and adjust their approach. These higher-level DOK questions may have multiple solutions or approaches. When students know they are not expected to immediately recall an answer, but rather spend time thinking and possibly make initial mistakes without penalty, they are more likely to engage in the task.
(tags to translate)DOK