Hideaki Itsuno, who directed the Dragon's Dogma series and other major games for Capcom, announced on Saturday that he is leaving the company. “Starting in September, I will begin developing a new game in a new environment,” he wrote in a post on twitter.com/tomqe/status/1829814090942070886/photo/1″ rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:x;cpos:1;pos:1;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas” class=”link “>Itsuno has been with Capcom since the 90s and worked on a number of popular series including Devil May Cry, starting with the second game. He created The Dragon's Dogmaand the most recent title to his credit, Dragon's Dogma 2, sold more than within 10 days of its launch earlier this year. Also for concurrent players on launch day.
“I hope you will continue to support Capcom games and characters,” Itsuno wrote on Saturday, adding, “I hope to create fun and beautiful games that are as memorable, if not more memorable, than the ones I’ve created so far. Stay tuned for my next creation!”
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