Apple published iOS 18 adoption fee On Friday, which are only slightly different from the numbers for iOS 17 a year ago. The company says that iOS 18 has been installed in 68 percent of all iPhones (as of January 21) and 76 percent of the models of the last four years.
A year ago, 66 percent of all iPhones ran iOS 17, so there is a two percent increase for iOS 18 this year. The other statistic was identical to today's data: 76 percent of the iPhones of the previous four years were executed in the 17th in January 2024.
Ipad owners are not moving dramatically either. Apple says that 53 percent of all iPads are running ipados 18 (as well as Ipados 17 a year ago). And 63 percent of the tablets of the last four years execute ipados 18. That is a level of 61 percent of the devices of the previous four years that execute ipados 17 at the beginning of last year.
Does the minor impulse come from Apple's intelligence courting some extra curious adopters? Unfortunately, the company is a mother about how many people have opted for their set of generative characteristics of ai.
Anyway, we can speculate that Apple wants Apple's intelligence adoption to grow: in the last beta iOS 18.3, Apple is allowing its characteristics of Ia by default during the incorporation. (You can still choose not to participate after that, but you must deepen the configuration to do so). In previous versions, it was a subscription feature that had to explicitly accept during the configuration. That software could come as soon as next week.
(Tagstotranslate) iOS