If you're reading this, you're probably considering a career change lately. I assume you want to learn a little about software engineering and database design. No matter what your background is: marketing, analytics or finance, you can do it! This story is intended to help you find the fastest way to get into the data space. Many years ago I did the same thing and have never regretted it since. The technology space and especially data is full of wonders and advantages. Not to mention remote work and huge benefits packages from top IT companies, it allows you to do magic with files and numbers. In this story, I will try to outline a set of skills and possible projects that could be accomplished within two to three months. Imagine, just a few months of active learning and you will be ready for your first job interview.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Why data engineering and not data science?
In fact, why not data analytics or data science? I think the answer lies in the nature of this role, as it combines the most difficult parts of these worlds. To become a data engineer, you will need to learn software engineering and database design, machine learning (ML) models, and understand data modeling and business intelligence (BI) development.
Data engineering is the fastest growing job according to DICE. They conducted research to prove that there is a gap, so we have to hurry.
While data scientists have long been considered the “hottest” job on the market, there now appears to be a bit of a lack of data engineers. I can see massive demand in this area. This includes not only experienced and highly qualified engineers, but also entry-level positions.
Data engineering has been one of the fastest growing careers in the UK over the past five years, ranking 13th on LinkedIn's list of the most in-demand jobs in 2023 (1). In…