A.I. Meet CelebV-Text: a large-scale facial video and text dataset comprising 70,000 facial video clips in the wild with diverse visual content 04/02/2023
A.I. This AI research shows how ILF can significantly improve the quality of a code generation model with human-written natural language comments. 04/02/2023
A.I. This AI paper explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) for text annotation tasks with a focus on ChatGPT. 04/02/2023
A.I. Researchers at the University of Zurich develop SwissBERT: a multilingual linguistic model for the four national languages of Switzerland 04/01/2023
A.I. Finding Patterns in Convenience Store Locations with Geospatial Association Rule Mining | by Elliott Humphrey | Apr, 2023 04/01/2023