As director of the MIT Biomicro Center (BMC), Stuart Levine '97 adopts with all my heart the variety of challenges that addresses every day. One of the more than 50 main facilities that provide shared resources throughout the institute, the BMC supposed genomic supplies of high performance, space transcriptomic analysis and individual cells, bioinformatic support and data management to researchers throughout the MIT.
“Every day is a different day,” says Levine, “there are always new problems, new challenges, and technology continues to advance at an incredible pace.” After more than 15 years on paper, Levine is grateful that the amplitude of her work allows you to find solutions for so many scientific problems.
By combining bioinformatics experience with biotechnology relations and an approach in maximizing the impact of the work of the center, Levine brings the wide range of skills required to match the diversity of questions asked by researchers in the Department of Biology of MIT.
Expansive experience
Biology first appealed to Levine as an undergraduate student at MIT 7,012 (Introduction to Biology)Thanks to the charism of instructors' teacher Eric Lander and Amgen Emerita Nancy Hopkins Professor. After obtaining his doctorate in Biochemistry at Harvard University and the Massachusetts General Hospital, Levine returned to MIT for postdoctoral work with the teacher Richard YoungCentral Member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research.
In the young laboratory, Levine found her vocation as a computer scientist and finally decided to stay in the MIT. Here, its work has a high range impact: the BMC serves more than 100 laboratories annually, from the Computer Science Laboratory and artificial intelligence and the Departments of Cerebro and Cognitive Sciences; Earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences; Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; And, of course, biology.
“It is a fun way of thinking about science,” says Levine, and points out that applies his knowledge and rationalizes workflows through these many disciplines by “truly and deeply and deeply understand the complexities of instrumentation.”
This depth of understanding and experience allows Levine to lead what has long been. Professor Laurie Boyer He describes as “a state -of -the -art core that has served so many teachers and offers key training opportunities for all.” He and his team work with finely adjusted and avant -garde scientific instruments that generate large amounts of bioinformatic data, then use powerful computational tools to store, organize and visualize the data collected, contributing to research on topics ranging from Guest-Parasite interactions to the proposed tools for NASA planetary protection policy.
Remain in front of the curve
With a scientist who directs the nucleus, the BMC aims to allow researchers “to take advantage of the best advantage of systems biology methods,” says Levine. These methods use advanced research technologies to do things such as preparing large DNA and RNA sets to sequence, read DNA sequences and RNA of individual cells, and locate gene expression in specific tissues.
Levine presents a light and clear rectangle on the width of a cell phone and the length of a VHS cassette.
“This is a flow cell that can make 20 human genomes with clinical importance in two days, 8 billion readings,” he says. “There are newer instruments with several times that capacity also available.”
The vast majority of research laboratories do not need such power, but the institute and their researchers as a whole, they certainly do. Levine emphasizes that “the ROI (return on investment) to support shared resources is extremely high because any support we receive impacts not only a laboratory, but all the laboratories that we support. Maintaining the shared resources of the MIT on the bleeding edge of science is essential for our ability to make a difference in the world.”
To remain at the edge of research technology, Levine maintains the company's relations, while her scientific understanding allows researchers to educate what is possible in the space of the biology of modern systems. Together, these attributes allow Levine to help their research clients “overcome the limits of what can be achieved.”
The man behind the machines
Each central installation operates as a small company, which offers specialized services to a diverse customer base in academic and industry research, according to Amy Keating, Jay A. Stein (1968) Professor of Biology and Head of the Department of Biology. She explains that “education at the doctoral level and the scientific and technological experience of MIT's main directors are critical for the success of Life Science Research in MIT and beyond.”
Although Levine clearly has education and experience, the success of BMC “business” is also partly due to its tenacity and the focus on the results of Core users.
He was recognized by the Institute with the MIT Infinite Mile Award in 2015 and the MIT Excellence Award In 2017, for which a nominator wrote: “What makes Stuart leadership of the BMC really invaluable for the MIT community is its unwavering dedication to the production of high quality data and its firm persistence in addressing any type of problem solution necessary for a project. These attributes, promoted by Stuart, permeate the entire culture of the BMC.”
“It puts researchers and their research first, either providing education, technical services, general technical support or networks to collaborators outside the MIT,” says Noelani Kamelamela, BMC laboratory manager. “Everything is in service to users and their projects.”
Hidden in the distant corner of the BMC laboratory space, Levine's office is an appropriate symbol of his humility. While their orientation and knowledge sit at the center of what the BMC raises beyond technical support, he feels away from the center of attention, decisively supporting others to advance science.
“Stuart has always been the person, often behind the scene, who pushes great science, ideas and people forward,” says Boyer. “His knowledge and advice have really allowed us to be at the forefront of our work.”
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