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We all know about free Python courses that are the best way to learn the language, but have you ever checked out the GitHub platform for learning resources and projects? Learning from courses is great, but hands-on experience with real-world projects and open source repositories can take your Python skills to the next level.
In this blog, we will cover 10 essential GitHub repositories that will help you master Python and give you essential experience for your career. These repositories offer a wealth of knowledge, ranging from beginner tutorials to advanced coding challenges, and cover a wide range of topics such as web development, data analytics, machine learning, and more.
Asabeneh/30-days-of-Python begins your Python journey with a challenge that spans over a month. Designed for beginners, this repository introduces you to the basics of Python and progressively delves into more complex topics such as statistics, data analysis, web development, and database management. By putting in a few hours each day, you'll gain a solid foundation in Python, opening you up to transitioning into any tech role.
trekhleb/learn-python is a comprehensive resource that emphasizes learning Python through hacking. It covers a wide range of Python features and best practices, making it suitable for students of different levels. You can modify or add code to see how it works and test it using assertions. This interactive learning approach allows you to add and remove code to test whether it works correctly, helping to improve your learning experience.
For those interested in diving into machine learning with Python, Avik-Jain/100-days-of-ML-code provides a structured approach to understanding the fundamentals of machine learning. Over 100 days, it introduces key concepts and algorithms in ML, leveraging Python for practical implementations. This repository is perfect for programmers looking to transition into a machine learning engineering role.
realpython/python-guide is a Python Hitchhiker's Guide book freely available on GitHub. The guide includes best practices and using Python in various scenarios. It offers guidance on topics ranging from configuration and installation to advanced topics such as web development and machine learning. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python is an invaluable resource for developers looking to hone their Python skills.
zhiwehu/Python-programming-exercises Challenges you with a collection of over 100 Python exercises ranging from easy to difficult. It is designed to test and improve your problem-solving skills in Python. This repository is great for students who want to practice coding and prepare for the coding interview.
geek/Python computers is a repository full of various Python scripts, showing different things you can create with Python programming. From simple scripts to complex projects, it offers a practical perspective on how Python can be used to automate things and serves as educational examples for beginners to get started with Python.
He practical-tutorials/project-based-learning The repository is a valuable resource that provides links to project-based tutorials for various programming languages, with a particular focus on Python.
Learning through a project-based approach is an effective way to apply Python concepts in real-world scenarios. Plus, it can help you build your developer portfolio and gain experience to land your first job.
He avinashkranjan/Amazing-Python-Scripts The repository is a compilation of various Python scripts that can help automate tasks, perform web scraping, and much more. This resource is particularly useful for students who want to work on small projects independently, as there are many options to choose from. Additionally, these scripts can also be useful for creating more complex projects.
If you are interested in learning about algorithms, Algorithms/Python It is an excellent repository to consult. Presents Python implementations of various algorithms and data structures, providing a comprehensive understanding of algorithmic learning with Python. This repository is ideal for those who want to explore the fundamentals of computer science and competitive programming. However, note that these implementations are intended for learning purposes only and may not be as efficient as those in the Python standard library.
Finally, vinta/awesome-python The repository is a collection of notable Python frameworks, libraries, software, and resources. It is a great source for exploring Python tools and libraries that can help you in your projects and learning journey. Whether you're looking for web frameworks, data analysis tools, or anything related to Python, you'll likely find it here.
These 10 GitHub repositories introduce you to the world of Python programming, covering basic to advanced topics, including interactive, project-based, and exercise-based learning. By exploring these repositories, you can build a solid foundation in Python, develop problem-solving skills, and work on hands-on projects that will help you gain experience. Remember, the journey to learn Python is continuous and constantly evolving; These repositories are just the beginning!
Abid Ali Awan (@1abidaliawan) is a certified professional data scientist who loves building machine learning models. Currently, he focuses on content creation and writing technical blogs on data science and machine learning technologies. Abid has a master's degree in technology management and a bachelor's degree in telecommunications engineering. His vision is to build an artificial intelligence product using a graph neural network for students struggling with mental illness.