You can get a pack of four amazon;elmt:;cpos:1;pos:1″ href=”” class=”link rapid-with-clickid etailiffa-link” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:Apple AirTags;elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:amazon;elmt:;cpos:1;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”> Right now, for even less than it cost during amazon Prime Day. The multi-pack is currently 26 percent off at amazon, bringing the price down to just $73. That's the lowest price we've seen in recent memory. A four-pack is usually $99. The individual AirTag is also discounted, if you only need one. It's normally $30, a single amazon;elmt:;cpos:2;pos:1″ href=”″ class=”link rapid-with-clickid etailiffa-link” rel=”nofollow noopener” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”slk:AirTag;elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:amazon;elmt:;cpos:2;pos:1;itc:0;sec:content-canvas”> Right now, it's just $24. Apple's Find My app lets you track up to 32 items, so you can use AirTags to give you peace of mind about all your important belongings.

The Apple AirTag is the best Bluetooth tracker for iPhone, and the four-pack is 26 percent off.
amazon&custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5hbWF6b24uY29tL0FwcGxlLU1YNTQyTEwtQS1BaXJUYWctcGFjay9kcC9CMEQ1NEpaVEhZLz90YWc9Z2RndDBjLXAtdi0xNTEtMjAiLCJjb250ZW50VXVpZCI6Ijg5Yzk4NWQyLWE2ZDAtNGQ0OC1hM2RkLTI0NmY2YzdiY2E1OCIsIm9yaWdpbmFsVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9BcHBsZS1NWDU0MkxMLUEtQWlyVGFnLXBhY2svZHAvQjBENTRKWlRIWS8ifQ&signature=AQAAATpcuRFTwI6XPHegPIrcgQxGuVt6er0Ery2kWiRI42z4&” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow” target=”_blank” data-ylk=”sec:large-product;subsec:commlist;cpos:1;elmt:chooseForMe;pdid:Apple AirTag 4 pack;pid:amazon_B0D54JZTHY;aid:amazon_B0D54JZTHY;itemcost:$99;itmId:$73;sellerN:amazon;ll3:product-available;ll4:productoffer-manual;elm:affiliate_link;itc:0;slk:$73 at amazon;pkgt:horizontal-cta-1;pos:4″>$73 on amazon
Bluetooth item trackers are small and can easily be slipped into a wallet, purse, or jacket pocket, but if you want to clip an AirTag to your keys or otherwise secure it to an object, you’ll need to pick up a case. There are plenty of options to choose from, so it shouldn’t be hard to find one that suits your needs (and your personal style). AirTags use a replaceable battery (the widely available 3V CR2032 lithium coin cell) that should last about a year, so you don’t have to worry about charging it or it running out after a while.
AirTags use Bluetooth and the vast network of Apple devices on the web to pinpoint your item’s location on the Find My map. Newer iPhones with the Ultra Wideband chip can also use Precision Finding with Find Nearby to track items you’ve misplaced, like keys you know are in your home. The app will guide you directly to the lost item using arrows and distance indicators, and you can ping the AirTag to make it play a sound.
The AirTag has an IP67 rating, making it splash, water, and dust resistant. It's the best Bluetooth tracker for iPhone users or anyone who primarily uses devices from the Apple ecosystem.
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