Twitter bug makes some private Circle tweets public
Don't count on your Twitter Circle tweets being limited to a tight-knit group, at least for now. users have discovered ...
Don't count on your Twitter Circle tweets being limited to a tight-knit group, at least for now. users have discovered ...
Riesman did not panic, but did not want to impose his "spicy" photos on people. “It was, 'Oh, God, am ...
A lawsuit filed Monday by several former Twitter executives said they had personally spent more than $1 million in legal ...
In a platform implemented earlier in the week, Twitter once again allows users to freely interact with Substack links. At ...
Elon Musk has stated that he wants to transform Twitter into an all-inclusive app that people can use for payments, ...
Musk explained his decision in a response this week by claiming that Substack was "trying to download a massive chunk ...
Twitter removed a label designating NPR as a "US state affiliated" news outlet. just days after applying the label for ...
It's that time of the week, folks: Week in Review (WiR). If you're new to WiR, it's the newsletter where ...
Twitter and the social media platform Discord have various policies that could have prompted them to remove leaked Pentagon documents ...
Twitter has started marking links to Substack as unsafe. If you click on a link on Twitter with in ...