A Tapestry review, an application driven by the growing Open website
A new application called Tapestrywhich launched on Tuesday, added and organizes information from the entire website and social networks in ...
A new application called Tapestrywhich launched on Tuesday, added and organizes information from the entire website and social networks in ...
Pixelfed is now available as a mobile app for iOS and Android. The decentralized open source platform offers image sharing ...
Meta appeared to be blocking links to Pixel powereda decentralized platform for sharing photos, on facebook, according to both users ...
Sub.club, which allows fediverse creators to offer paid subscriptions and premium content and launched in late August, is already closing. ...
Meta has been steadily improving Threads' compatibility with fediverse over the last year. Now, the company is taking another important ...
It seems the fediverse continues to open up. In late March, Meta's Threads introduced a beta feature that allows users ...
The fediverse has the potential to help create interoperable and long-lasting social networks, but many creators and businesses rely on ...
Over the past six months, Meta has slowly begun to make good on its promise to make Threads compatible with ...
Flipboard is making good on an important fediverse promise. Late last year, around the same time it announced it was ...
Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away (this one, in fact), a few internet rebels decided ...