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For the days you only need to carry the essential, small bags work better. However, finding one that affects the perfect balance of a compact style with maximum functionality can be difficult to find. That is, until we saw the Nolita 19 shoulder bag in Coach Outlet. Not only is it a sales success, but it is also on sale before the long weekend. In addition to its sale price of $ 149, a 15% discount is automatically applied at the end of the purchase. With a 32% general discount, you can get this favorite client for only $ 127.
Nolita shoulder bag 19, $ 127 (it was $ 188) in Coach Outlet
Nolita 19 is a compact shoulder bag with two credit card slots and a closing closure that buyers say it is “beautiful” and a “10/10”. With 7.5 inches long, 2 inches wide and 4.5 inches high, buyers say it is the “perfect size”. A reviewer added that he is “super cute and small, but still conforms to everything I need for my day to day”, which is all I could ask for in a bag.
It comes with a mango that has a fall of 6.25 inches, which makes it an impressive mini shoulder bag. But thanks to your removable strap, there are some ways you can use. Not only can you add funny charms, but you can also use it as a bracelet, or change the strap for a longer to use it as a cross -body bag.
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Nolita 19 comes in 19 colors, patterns and materials, including the coach coer, smooth leather or patent leather.
As a coach Bestseller with more than 15,000 buyers who look at it, Nolita 19 shoulder bag is one that you must capture for sale before it is too late.