The cryptocurrency community is very interested in Pi Coin. Pi Network is a digital currency project that allows users to mine Pi cryptocurrency using a mobile app on a blockchain network. It is Its potential as a reputable payments company has helped it become extremely popular.
Pi Coin is a remarkable invention that has the potential to completely transform the cryptocurrency mining industry. It is not just another digital currency. With the launch of Pi Coin in 2019, mining became accessible to everyday people with desktop computers or mobile devices. The mathematical constant π, which represents the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter and represents innovation at its finest, is where the coin got its name.
Pioneers Pi, with over 51 million app users, has attracted a lot of attention due to its focus on accessibility and ease of use. By using a mobile mining app, users can easily earn Pi coins and contribute to the security of the network. Recent developments demonstrate that the project has the potential to be widely adopted and useful. This includes gaming, DeFi, and metaverse applications.
When is the Pi Coin mainnet launched?
The army of “Pioneers” around the world is approaching just a few key milestones, and 2024 seems to be the year. The group is calling it “The Countdown to Pi Open Network 2024.” Based on the same projected date for 2022, some news sites have speculated that the Pi will launch on June 28th. However, this information appears to be false. All the company has said on its official Pi Network account is that the mainnet launch will take place in 2024.
On a page cleverly named “mainnet2024,” the group also suggested some goals they aim to achieve before the launch of the Open Mainnet, including:
- 15 million Pioneers passing Know Your Customer (KYC) Checks
- 100 million pioneers moving to beta mainnet
- 100 mainnet-ready applications
We won't have to wait too long if these goals determine whether the mainnet will launch. In total, ten million “first movers” have completed their KYC checks, an increase of 1.45 million between December 2023 and March 2024. Approximately 50 applications (including web browsers, discussion forums and chat rooms) are ready for the main network. Meanwhile, from three million in December to 4.6 million now, more users are migrating to the mainnet.
During the open mainnet phase, Pi users can exchange their tokens for cash and other cryptocurrencies. It also allows developers to be creative in building applications and services based on a trusted network architecture. Despite the excitement surrounding this announcement, the Pi Network team is proceeding with caution. They said that a sudden change could undermine the community's achievements so far.
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