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When it comes to bags, there are those who like to take everything with them and those who adopt a more minimalist approach. For the latter, a design bag that only adjusts to the essential is everything that needs to renew its collection of spring accessories.
Even small bags of designer brands can have a great price, but Nordstrom Rack is making it more affordable. The Marc Jacobs Groove leather bag, what buyers describe as “the perfect small bag”, it is usually sold for $ 195, but at this time, buyers can hook it for only $ 70.
Marc Jacobs Groove Leather Mini Bag, $ 70 (cost $ 195) in Nordstrom Rack
The elegant lower -sized cross -size body bag is made of smooth leather and the strap is adjustable to customize it at the best length for its height. A buyer pointed out the excellent material and wrote: “I love this bag! It is small, but it is the right size to take a concert or go out to dance! You will only suspend what you need. Quality leather!” Another client who bought multiples of the bag said: “This is a beautiful small leather bag. I bought three of them for my teenage nieces for Christmas.”
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The delicate crossbody bag is an excellent option for when you are moving and you need your hands free. Its smaller dimensions are compatible with the very small bag size requirements of some stadiums and event centers. A critic wrote: “Very nice and high quality bag. I love it! Perfect for my cell phone, lipstick and car key.”
A buyer also mentioned the frequent compliments they have received in the Crossbody bag, writing: “I absolutely love it! It is small, but that is the point. It is not voluminous and great when you want to be more minimal. I have become so minimal. Many. Many. Many already fulfilled “.
If you want to stay elegant this spring and summer while it only promotes the basics, we suggest the mini leather bag Marc Jacobs Groove. We do not know how long it was reduced to only $ 70, so be sure to take advantage of this design bag offer while still available.