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A beloved tote bag is many people's first choice as a handbag. But while the name may usually bring to mind utilitarian canvas or screen-printed designs, these casual materials aren't the only option when it comes to this type of versatile bag.
If you prefer a more luxurious look that's made to last, a leather bag from a designer brand is a great option, especially when it's on a major sale. Right now, Coach Outlet is selling its $398 City Tote Bag for just $149 and all 10 colorways are discounted. Enjoy the 63% discount while you can, because we won't be surprised if popular shades sell out soon.
One satisfied shopper wrote: “I love the color, I love that it's versatile, I love that it holds EVERYTHING!”
Coach City Tote, $149 (was $398) at Coach Outlet
Courtesy of Coach Outlet
This simple yet stylish bag features an open design that allows you easy access to all your belongings, although it still has a clasp at the top for security. “This is my perfect five-star bag,” said one shopper. “I have worn it to work for the past two years and have received numerous compliments. I love this bag as part of my collection.”
It's just over 11 inches tall and 13 inches wide, which is large enough to fit compact tablets, laptops, and e-reading devices. Its handles have a 10-inch drop and are large enough to hang over your shoulder, but small enough to hold in your arm or hand without touching the ground.
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We won't judge if you're buying for yourself, but if you're looking for a gift, you'll want to order this bag ASAP before the sale ends.