Carnival Cruise Line brand ambassador John Heald has a special sense of humor.
Many of his more than 500,000 followers appreciate it, while a few like to complain every time he makes a joke.
In some cases, people simply don't understand Heald's often dry British humour. However, for the New Year, Heald decided to let his guard down and share a completely silly post.
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“Yesterday I talked about how I will never be able to keep my New Year's resolutions,” he wrote. “I've thought and rethought this because I've actually been able to avoid appearing on the cover of 'Men's Health' magazine by wearing just a pair of designer boxers with a tubercle in them. I'd like to say that it was difficult and required a great deal of self-discipline.” , but I made it.
“I'm sure, for anyone reading this who posed for 'Men's Health' magazine or for the women who read this who gave in and posed for 'Vogue' magazine in a G String bikini holding a fluffy Shitzu puppy, well, I'm sorry, but you gave in and I didn't, so there.”
That served as a prelude for Heald to share a list of New Year's resolutions he wants all cruisers to make.
Carnival's Heald shares his New Year's resolutions
I also hope that this new year that many of you reading this will do the following for your New Year's resolutions:
- I will not attempt to enter an elevator until I have let everyone out first.
- I will not allow another guest's attire to affect the enjoyment of my cruise experience and the fun I am having.
- Maybe say please or thank you if I ask for something.
- If I'm not happy with something on board, I will tell someone while I'm on the boat so the crew can do what they do best, which is take care of and try to resolve the problem.
- I will realize that John Heald's humor is not for everyone. It may make some people laugh, and for others it may be as funny as an overflowing toilet. But if I don't like something he writes, I won't get offended and write to the Beards asking them to fire him immediately and send him to Cleveland, Ohio, and The Yak and Sunset Treatment Clinic for broken brand ambassadors.
The Beards is Heald's term for Carnival's leadership team, and Cleveland is frequently cited in the brand ambassador's jokes.
Carnival passengers react to Heald's post
Reactions to Heald's post were largely positive.
“Good morning, John Heald. I have seen guests who seem to have exactly opposite resolutions,” wrote Karyl Moore Loux. “It's sad that they don't have the fun they have when sailing. I suspect they don't enjoy life in other places either. I decide to continue enjoying life, especially when sailing at Carnival. Happy New Year.”
Ellie Hook thanked Heald for everything he does: “Good morning (now afternoon to you). I love your sense of humor and I'm glad you're on facebook to help so many people, and I agree with all your resolutions. I look forward to reading your posts every morning. I wish you and your family many blessings for this New Year.”
Many commenters supported the idea of resolutions.
“Good morning John. Happy New Year,” Robert E. Tyer added. “Your resolutions would avoid the stress that some cruise passengers go through. I travel to be pampered. If compassion were inserted into everyone's hearts upon boarding, everyone would have fun.”
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And Nancy Busma Bodin also agreed with Heald.
“Good morning, John. Happy New Year. I was reading what you said, and I had to laugh because every single one of them was a simple courtesy. Except telling someone about a problem would mean they couldn't demand something for free. Follow your humor because sometimes For my part, I love it, hugs and greetings,” he wrote.
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