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The United Kingdom stock market houses a large collection of companies that offer large and growing dividends. Investors can find the main passive income actions to consider buying in the Ftse 100 as well as in their less prestigious participations indices.
With this in mind, here there are two of my favorites in early 2025. I think both are worth more research.
Dividends are never guaranteed. But if the corridor estimates are correct, a global sum of £ 20,000 invested equally in these actions would provide a passive income of £ 1,730 only this year.
In addition, I am optimistic that they will continue to grow cash rewards beyond 2025 as well.
Here is why I think it is worth a serious consideration.
Primary health properties is a real estate investment trust (Reit). As a consequence, it is highly vulnerable to higher interest rates that damage profitability and weigh on asset values.
However, this Ftse 250 Trust classification also has advantages for investors. According to Reit rules, the company must, in exchange for corporations taxes, pay a minimum of 90% of annual rental profits in the form of dividends.
Keep in mind that tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to changes in the future. The content in this article is provided only for information purposes. It is not intended to be, it does not constitute any form of fiscal advice.
There are more than 50 of these real estate trusts that pay dividends to choose today. But I like this, since it offers a mixture of safety and growth.
The demand for medical services remains stable over time, so, unlike some reit, primary health may expect rents and occupation levels to remain stable regardless of economic conditions. The business has more than 500 medical care facilities (such as GP Surgeries) in its portfolio.
Finally, I think it could offer impressive long -term gains growth as the oldest ages in the United Kingdom grow and the demand for medical properties. The number of British 65 years of age or older is inclined to increase from 19% three years ago to 2072, according to the National Statistics Office.
Ftse 100 Dividend Star
Like primary health properties, financial services suppliers such as M&G can be large winners of a growing number of silver hair citizens worldwide.
As a pension supplier, annuities, protection and heritage management services, this company FTSE 100 can expect its customer base to continue growing. As of last June, he had 4.6 million retail customers and more than 800 institutional clients in his books.
Companies like M&G also have a way to indirectly benefit from the high town of the United Kingdom elderly. The growing pressure that this is pressing in the state pension (and other benefits enjoyed by the elderly) is giving greater importance to people to plan their retirements.
As participation of passive income, M&G has a substantial appeal for me. Its operations are highly generative in cash, and the company has a solid balance that it can use to pay dividends while continuing to invest for growth.
As of June 2024, the company's capital II was more of the double regulatory requirements, 210%.
Competitive pressures in their product lines are severe. But I think that the exceptional brand recognition of M&G helps to mitigate (if not to eliminate) this threat.
(Tagstotranslate) category. Dividend-Shares (T) category. Investiging