February 3, Nvidia (Nasdaq: NVDA) Actions closed to $ 116.66. At the time of writing this article (after the market closed on February 17) it is $ 138.85. That increased 19%, enough to convert £ 10,000 into £ 11,900 in just two weeks
It may seem like a chicken hunt compared to the gain of 88% of the last 12 months. Or 1,816% in five years. But there is another way of thinking about it that can cause a breathing intake. In this short period, Nvidia market capitalization has increased by around half a billion dollars.
Am I saying that we should enter quickly and pocket the profits of the next fortnight? No. In fact, these recent profits have not compensated the fall that followed the launch of China's artificial intelligence (ai) model.
What does it mean?
What do these price movements really mean for investors who plan to buy NVIDIA? On the one hand, I think everything means that we need to verify the tensile strength of our nerves.
Surely I would not qualify it as an investment of 'widows and orphans'. And I would not consider buying as I knew I could handle volatility. Even then, it would only be a level of money where the risk size would not keep me awake at night.
Here is a great short -term risk, and I think that £ 10k inverted today could be worth a little less in another fortnight. Or more. It is a assumption of anyone.
However, I am really considering buying Nvidia shares. And if I do, it will be because I think they are not very fixed compared to their long -term potential.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-ai-on-the-cheap”>ai a cheap?
Deepseek surprised us with its cheap price. It works in NVIDIA chips of previous generation, because the export restrictions of the United States prevent Chinese developers from getting newer. And it allegedly cost less than $ 6 million to train, although many doubts that they have been in cheat and accusations have emerged.
All those billions that the magnificent stock of 7 were going to pump in the development of ai? Including the huge sums that are probably headed along the path of Nvidia? Maybe it is not necessary after all, and maybe ai will be as cheap as the old chips.
But as earnings reports enter, we see the opposite. amazon He said he plans to build $ 100 billion in capital spending in 2025, compared to $ 83 million last year. Microsoft It has $ 80 billion for the investment of ai, and GoalIt is not far from $ 65 billion.
Thanks Depseek!
I am starting to think that Depseek could have done Nvidia a favor. It seems that Chinese competition is increasing the urgency of research and development of ai in the United States. And everything needs even more chips.
Although Nvidia's actions have shot themselves, I still don't see it as too expensive. The forecasts place the price to profits ratio (P/E) in approximately 50 by 2025, which may see a bit spicy. But they hope that the growth of the profits will lead to a very tasty 26 by 2027.
Think of long -term thoughts
This business is changing quickly, and the news seems to get almost daily. But whatever happens, you would urge investors to remember that a fortnight in the market rarely means a lot. I have not yet decided to me, so for me, Nvidia will be a long -term purchase, or I will not buy at all!
(tagstotranslate) category. Investiging