Trip Hawkins, founder and CEO of iconic gaming company EA, enters web3 with a new NFT-based company.”Games for a living“. The new company focuses on blockchain gaming with play-to-win elements and ideals. The company is also prioritizing changes to gaming industry business models to create revolutionary new ways players can experience (and win from) gaming.

an image of former EA CEO Trip Hawkins next to the EA logo

Trip Hawkins, Video Game Hall of Famer

How Will Trip Hawkins’ “Games For A Living” Change Blockchain Games?

American businessman and Video Game Hall of Fame incumbent Trip Hawkins is a household name in the gaming industry. Building video game companies such as Electronic Arts (EA) and 3DO, he took the gaming world by storm during the 1980s and 1990s. His games are testament to his skill, and his experience has revolutionized the way people learn, work, and they play.

He is now the co-founder and chief strategy officer of “Games for a Living.” A startup that is developing NFT based games and blockchain based tokens. The company is also co-founded by Manel Sort, former 1VP of Candy Crush Saga developer King.

The initial game to be (re)released by Games for a Living is titled ‘Elemental Raiders’ and is currently available on Steam. Although it currently lacks NFT and blockchain features. A tournament for Elemental Raiders will be held in March that includes NFT related prizes.

A photo of G.F.A.L.L. "elemental raiders" game

A photo of G.F.A.L.L. "elemental raiders" game

elemental raiders

Furthermore, the company has also introduced a second game called ‘Diamond Dreams’. This is a matching puzzle game powered by NFT. Games For A Living NFTs, tokens and other materials will mainly be on the BNB chain. But some items will remain on the Ethereum blockchain. In their official whitepaper, they announce plans to eventually move all game assets to their own chain.

More games and news from GFAL

Games for a Living has its own game development studio to establish a quality foundation for the games on its platform. The games developed demonstrate the potential of the network. Furthermore, it also contains documentation for developers who want to create their own blockchain games. Some of the games currently in development are:

  • Elemental Raiders – A turn-based strategy video game with NFT features. A game previously released on November 28, 2022 and re-released as Play to Earn on March 13, 2023.
  • Diamond Dreams – A casual tic tac toe video game. This becomes Free to Play in Q3 2023 and Play to Earn in Q1 2024.
  • Two more titles are in development and will be announced soon.

The GFAL Network

Independent “Games for a Living Network” (referred to as “The Network”) are a way for game developers to create blockchain-based games. This allows players to own their digital assets and even earn money while playing the game.

It also helps traditional game developers to move to Web3 game development by providing blockchain technology and token-based economy. This is through the existing games and the new ones. The network is designed to work on all major platforms such as mobile, desktop, and consoles. According to the whitepaper, The Network includes the following elements:

  • Chain– A permissioned Layer 1 chain that provides increased security, scalability, and sustainability.
  • Web3 game tools– Web3 game creation tools for developers including a developer portal, user authentication, token and NFT creation, game analytics, and live event tracking systems.
  • Market– A marketplace where you can buy and sell NFTs and game currencies that includes fraud protection features.

The gaming infrastructures being built under Games For A Living are sure to rock the next generation of gamers. With Hawkins as the visionary on board, we can look forward to even more brilliance in his upcoming titles! you can read the full whitepaper here for more information on what is being built.


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This article is educational material.

As always, do your own research before making any type of investment.

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