Doodles has a mission. Just four days after revealing his debut film, 'Dullsville and the Doodleverse', the nft brand″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>announces“The first season of Doodles: Space Mission is here.”
Through the nft brand's exciting new virtual realm, 'space explorers' are sent on a journey to an unexplored cosmic edge.
A monitoring tool established in the Stodio monitors the daily accumulation of 'Space Miles' of each fleet. However, the purpose and possible ramifications of these miles have yet to be revealed.

Doodles Space Mission Mechanics
Although the exact rewards are unknown, the success of participants in the Doodles space mission depends on the variety and number of space explorers joining the action, which influences the daily accumulation of space miles.
Dooplicators, a device once free for holders of OG Doodles, boost energy for space explorers and unlock treasures and mysteries in the Doodleverse.
Starting April 10, the game's space mile tracker will be updated for the first time, highlighting which space explorers are leading the expedition into the Doodleverse.
To embark on this exciting adventure, participants must log into Doodles' Stoodio, connect an ethereum wallet with Doodles OG, and launch the OGs into space.
The progress of this innovative game can be followed through the Mission Control link at, which offers a window into the ongoing exploration.
As Doodles: Space Mission progresses, the dynamics driving it will become more evident, shedding light on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
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