Telegram's extensive use of stickers
Pavel Durov, co-founder and CEO of Telegram, shared this announcement during the Token2049 event in Dubai.
He revealed the extensive use of stickers on Telegram, with more than 700 billion shared monthly, and said: “We believe in nfts that are deeply integrated into human culture, into human interaction, into our communication. nfts that you can view tens of billions of times and have great potential to spread virally. These are the right nfts. That is why the next step we are going to take is to tokenize the Telegram stickers.”
The TON blockchain recently integrated stablecoins such as USDT and Tether's XAUT, offering new avenues for peer-to-peer payments and decentralized applications. Durov mentioned that its scalability makes it a suitable platform to accommodate Telegram's large-scale operations.