Welcome to Metaverse Market Analysis! Every Monday, we bring you the latest statistics and data on the general state of the Metaverse Market. This column is in partnership with the amazing team at OneLand, a financial platform for virtual LANDs in the Metaverse. This week brings OneLand Metaverse market analysis statistics for October 9-15.
Bet your The Sandbox LAND and win 3.09%*APY. Bet your $SAND $ and win 7.47%* APY (*16.10.2023)
Date OneLand 7D shows the aggregate LAND limit for the 10 projects listed increasing by 0.37% to 656,739 eth (-3.6% to $1.03 billion).
Taking a closer look: Decentraland saw a positive swing (+4.24%), while Otherside fell to its lowest LAND limit to date.

$eth fell significantly for a second week, falling another 4.6% to $1,558.31, helping to drag down nft values (total nft cap -0.75% to 2.65 million eth, -4.94% to $4.23 billion). Most Metaverse tokens, incl. $SAND (-3.33%), $MANA (-3.33%), $APE (-1.73%) and $TOPIA (-13.77%) fell.
HYTOPIA achieved the highest LAND package sale of all time, with #881 exchanging wallets for 11 eth. Last week’s average price remained at a very strong 2.7 eth, while the minimum price reached an incredible 1.9 eth!

I’m not sure if it’s because the Otherside degens are too busy playing LOTM or the laid-off Voyagers stopping trading, but last week’s Otherdeeds sales plummeted to just 60 trades and just 62.1 eth in trading volume. operations (-74.62%).
Meanwhile, Otherside LAND’s cap (-0.68%) continues to fall this week to 321,864 eth.

Somnium Space’s big VR1 upgrade seemed to work, the VR Metaverse project enjoyed a second consecutive week of intense LAND trading and with no particularly expensive purchases to consider: both weeks raised over 10 eth.
The vast majority of sales occurred during a busy weekend, with Sunday seeing Somnium Space’s highest daily trading volume in 6 weeks.

For explanations of our data calculations, see docs.oneland.world/. For Metaverse project and market data, see oneland.mundo.
a land is a comprehensive MetaHub providing data and analysis from Metaverse, LAND nft marketplace, LandFi tools and Metaverse MediaHub. Our mission is to make it easy to discover, access, stay tuned, research, and invest in the Metaverse projects you love most.
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*All financial/investment opinions expressed by nft Plazas come from the personal research and experience of our site moderators and are intended to be educational material only. People should thoroughly research any product before making any type of investment.