Wasabi Wallet, along with 12 other bitcoin projects and companies, including Blockstream, BTCPay, and Trezor, are working together to host a global Bitcoin treasure hunt called “Hunting Sats.”
For a full week starting on January 23, 2023, the entities involved will reveal keywords from a bitcoin wallet containing 3,454,811 sats. The companies invite all Bitcoiners to try to crack that bitcoin wallet and claim all their sats.
The announcement sent to Bitcoin Magazine describes how brute force will be the method that will allow participants to crack the seed, saying: “For this game, brute forcing a bitcoin wallet means finding the seed words and a passphrase, in this case, organize them”. in the correct order and using the resulting backup as a way to recover the funds from the wallet. There are many ways to achieve this and general knowledge about bitcoin wallets, script types, bypass paths, checksums, passphrases and BIP-39 seed words will come in handy… A as more words are revealed, brute force becomes easier, so the clock ticks down. people from all over the world compete to break the wallet.”
A password protected 12 word bitcoin address (BIP39) was generated a BTC address which now has the satellites in play. Every word in the wallet, including the passphrase, was shared with all 12 partners. During the week beginning January 23, each partner will share their word using the hashtag #HuntingSats. By the end of the week, if no one has successfully accessed the bitcoin, more clues will be shared.