Name: Wendy O.
Anonymous: No
Followers on Twitter: 330,000
Known For: crypto comments, shit posts, trade analysis and community initiatives
Who is Crypto Wendy anyway?
Wendy is a former healthcare professional turned cryptocurrency trader and content creator, or what she describes as a “YouTube shocker jock.”
While the switch from health to crypto was for a number of reasons, one big factor was that long commutes and working hours kept him from spending more time with his number one asset: his daughter.
“For seven years, I worked in infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, and had a three-hour round trip four times a week. I was away from my daughter and I just wanted to be close to her,” he says, adding:
So I bought some Bitcoin. And I was like, Oh, gosh, this is great. Like, I didn’t really know, I just saw a number go up. And I was like, amazing. This is great. This represents freedom.”
Diving into crypto, first through Bitcoin in 2017, Wendy taught herself how to trade and discovered that being able to do it 24/7 worked perfectly with having a one-year-old daughter, since he could adapt to everything. her son’s schedule.
How did you get popular on Twitter?
Wendy attributes all of her audience growth to being authentic online, standing up for what she believes in, and standing up for the underdog.
“I was just myself, and I was authentic online. He organized meetings, defended people, chased idiots [online]. I ripped the SEC apart and I stood up for people and I galvanized people, and I just grew my audience organically,” she says.
“I was just doing it because I really wanted to help the underdog and help people who grew up poor, like I did, and people who came from really fucked up backgrounds to know that they can join any industry they want and thrive.” .
In the early days of his online career, a notable part of his growth came from hosting free crypto-focused meetups. Wendy said that because big-name events were too expensive for her and many others, she began hosting her own gatherings to fill the void.
“I noticed the need for meetings and events that were affordable because at all cryptocurrency events back then, you had to pay like $1,000 to go and I grew up very poor. I didn’t have $1000 [to spare]. I hosted over four dozen free meetups in Los Angeles County, and you know, all over the United States, one in Canada, and then I created the YouTube channel to live stream those events,” she said.
What can you expect from her on Twitter?
Wendy spends a lot of her time hitting the aggressive behavior of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other villains in the crypto space.
Other than that, you are most likely supporting other people and initiatives in the industry, offering trade analysis, or participating in some old-fashioned bullshit posts (a recurring theme among many popular crypto influencers).
“I am very blessed and grateful to have such a great audience. And all social media platforms. I think we are 815,000 around the world on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and Instagram,” she says.
“It’s really amazing because I get to use my platform to support initiatives like the Digital Currency Merchants Alliance; we have raised over $50,000 for a non-profit organization called Self Care lab […] So I’ve been able to be a big advocate for the things that are important to me, and it’s really amazing.”
The Self Care Lab is a boxing gym located in Pomona, California that serves disadvantaged and at-risk youth.
As a long-time gym patron and a strong advocate of using fitness to encourage youth, Wendy tapped into her network in late 2021 to raise funds not only to move locations, but also to upgrade several worn-out pieces of equipment.
Twitter Meats
Unlike other figures in the Twitter Hall of Flame, Wendy is not interested in discussing or calling attention to her series of feuds with others in the industry. She puts the emphasis on reconciliation rather than recriminations.
“Probably some of my favorite problems are people who criticized me on the internet and then met me in person and said, you know, ‘Sorry for being a jerk.’ I’ll leave it at that, as I feel like that’s good.”
But she is not without a bit of an advantage:
Twitter likes and dislikes
“I love Twitter because I get to connect with so many amazing people globally and across the United States. And that’s great.
I like to talk to people who come from where I come from, and who have passion and are passionate about the things that I am. So that part is amazing.”
On the other hand: “A lot of people are not very nice on the internet. Sometimes everyone has a voice and an opinion and when you work in a male dominated industry, there is the reality that you are not spoken to very well; people sexualizing you, people saying shitty things to you, people calling you stupid because I don’t come from money. I don’t come from traditional finance, I don’t come from a tech background,” she says.
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Looking to the future
“I want to continue to grow and I want to be able to include as many underdogs as I can, and let everyone know, no matter what background or how different you are from someone else, that you matter, your voice matters, and keep advocating for retail. , and let them know that I will be their voice when needed,” she says.
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