This week, iconic Dragon Ball creator Toei Animation announced its partnership with The Sandbox for a new metaverse game and other experiences. Together with Minto, Inc, the partners aim to bring the Japanese animation brand’s most popular characters to all NFT collectors. In fact, the first 1K users to sign up for the new experience will get a limited edition NFT from The Sandbox.

image of an upcoming game of The Sandbox looking at Dragon Ball

The Sandbox is releasing new experiences inspired by the most popular Japanese animations!

Toei Animation x The Sandbox: What you should know?

Toei Animation, one of Japan’s leading animation companies, officially joins The Sandbox metaverse for a new gaming experience! Starting this year, the iconic metaverse can use Toei Animation’s intellectual properties to create Web3 versions of all-time fan-favorite shows.

From Sailor Moon to Dragon Ball, some of the most popular Japanese animation of all time comes from this company. This means that we will be able to play, trade and explore new LANDS together with these famous characters!

“Toei Animation is now ready to set sail for this new ocean. We are very happy and proud to work with The Sandbox and Minto as our partners.” said Toei Animation Managing Director Satoshi Shinohara. “I am sure that the ‘Fleet’ we have assembled will be able to discover new continents and new routes that will guide the entertainment industry for years to come.”

Of course, The Sandbox aims to celebrate the new collaboration in an unforgettable way. Therefore, the first 1,000 users who register on The sandbox game platform will be a limited edition NFT! Although we don’t have details for now, we can assume that the collectibles will be themed after Toei Animation.

dragon ball japanese animation digital poster

dragon ball japanese animation digital poster

The Sandbox could soon release games, collectibles, and other experiences starring Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, and more.

Will we see more Japanese animation in The Web3 World?

Animoca Brands (the parent company of The Sandbox) recently revealed their latest investment: Virtual Arts. This platform basically supports young talents, allowing dancers to show and expand their skills.

With Animoca Brands Japan at its side, Virtual Arts aims to grow its debut experience, an app called Dancefight. This news, along with The Sandbox’s partnership with Toei Animation, shows that we’ll likely be enjoying more Japanese-themed gaming experiences soon!


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As always, do your own research before making any type of investment.

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