What began at midnight on February 1, 2014 is drawing to a close: we are pleased to announce the release of the ninth and final in the Ethereum Proof-of-Concept series. We invite the community to participate in the ongoing Proof-of-Concept IX testnet on our current release, Olympic, Available now.
The purpose of Olympic is to reward people who try to test the limits of the Ethereum blockchain during the pre-launch period, spamming the network with transactions and doing crazy things with state, so we can see how the network holds up. under high conditions. charge levels. At the same time, application developers, data providers, exchanges, and users are encouraged to develop and deploy on the testnet and run nodes, and if you have multiple virtual private servers, activate as many nodes as you can.
Olympic will have a total prize fund of up to 25,000 ether. There will be four prize categories, as well as a grand prize for the first person to create a substantial fork on the testnet.
The four award categories will be transaction activity, Use of virtual machines, mining prowess Y general punishment. Each category will include a main prize of 2,500 ethers, as well as one or more smaller prizes of 100-1,000 ethers and possibly small rewards of 0.1-5 ethers simply for participating. Each of the categories will be judged by Vitalik, Gavin, and Jeff, likely with substantial help from automated blockchain analytics tools. In addition to Ether, just like the rewards program, all prize winners will be entitled to have their name immortalized on the Ethereum Genesis block. Please note that to be considered for a prize, please send an email describing a claim to olympic@ethereum.org.
This is also the last phase of the Ethereum development process before the release of Frontier, as the network is currently proving to be very stable at its current size of 20-100 nodes, all major clients have remained in consensus, and we are getting approaching a code freeze. Entries pending testing and auditing. It is expected to last about 14 days, although we reserve the right to shorten or lengthen it based on technical considerations. When we think we’re ready, we’ll provide a 48-hour countdown to the release of Frontier 1.0.
The binaries and source are available here: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v0.9.18
A work-in-progress guide for Frontier is available here: http://ethereum.gitbooks.io/frontier-guide/
transaction activity
This includes activity related to sending and receiving transactions. Examples of things we might reward include:
- The account that sends the highest total number of transactions
- The account that contributes the highest total gas consumption
- The account that receives the highest total number of transactions
- The account that contributes the most (measured in bytes) to the blockchain in terms of proof of transaction content
- The account with the lowest address (in terms of lexicographic order or numerical representation; the two orders are equivalent) that sends at least one transaction
- The two accounts that send at least one transaction whose addresses are closest to each other
Use of virtual machines
This includes activity related to the use of the virtual machine. Examples of things we might reward include:
- The account that makes the most calls of any opcode
- The account that makes the most calls of any opcode within a single transaction
- The account that sends the single transaction that takes the longest to execute for a particular customer
- The account that submits the single transaction with the highest ratio of time to execute per unit of gas consumed
- The account that receives the highest total number of messages
- The account that reverses the greatest total amount of gas usage
- The account that creates the contract with the lowest address (in terms of lexicographical order or numerical representation; the two orders are equivalent)
- The account that sends the transaction with the largest encoded receipt RLP (measured in bytes)
- The account that produces the most transactions whose flourish is a (distinct) prime number
- A creator of a contract containing, for example, a sudoku solver, which takes an array of 81 values as input and generates the array of 81 values corresponding to a solved sudoku.
mining prowess
This includes activity related to mining; miners will be identified by the coinbase address. Examples of things we might reward include:
- The miner that produces the largest block on the main chain (measured in bytes)
- The miner who contributes the highest total number of bytes of block data to the main chain
- The miner who mines the most blocks in a row
- The miner that includes more transactions
- The miner that produces the block that takes the longest amount of time for a particular customer to process
general punishment
This includes messing with the state in crazy ways, getting contracts to do crazy things. Examples of things we might reward include:
- The sender/miner of the transaction/block that adds the most items to the storage contract
- The contract creator with the largest code (externally owned accounts only)
- The creator of the contract with the most full items in storage.
- The creator of the contract that contains a key/value pair with the deepest Merkle tree depth (that is, the most hash lookups before reaching the value)
- The creator of the contract that commits suicide while containing the fullest items in storage.
- The contract creator that performs the most consecutive storage updates, such that the storage root at each step is a prime number.
Please note that the categories above are by no means an exhaustive list of things that are eligible for prizes. If you do anything outside of the above that you think deserves consideration, please email us.
the grand prize
A grand prize of at least 5,000 ether will be shared among the miners who manage to create a substantial fork between the Go and C++ clients. The hairpin must be on the main chain; one client must accept the block and the other client must reject it. Smaller prizes may also be available for forks between Go/C++ and Python.
Good luck, and we look forward to seeing and hearing what you come up with!
– The ethereum core development team