They say that journalists never really come out. But for Christian, that is not just a metaphor, it is a lifestyle. During the day, navigate the always changing tides of the cryptocurrency market, wielding words as an experienced editor and elaboration articles that decipher the jargon for the masses. However, when the PC is carried out in hibernate mode, its activities take a more mechanical turn (already philosophical).
Christian's trip with the written word began long before bitcoin's age. In the sacred halls of the Academy, he perfected his trade as a feature film writer for his university role. This early love for the storytell of his dedication to his furry companions ((more about that later).
Christian after wandering the world of journalism, working in newspapers in Canada and even in South Korea. Finally, he settled in a local news giant in his hometown in the Philippines for a decade, becoming a total news drug addict. But then, something new caught his attention: cryptocurrency. It was like a treasure search mixed with the storytelling, right in its alley!
Then, he got a murderous concert in Newsbtc, where he is one of the reference boys for everything crypto. Draw these things confused in pieces of the size of a bite, which facilitates the understanding of anyone (greets your management team for teaching this ability).
Do you think the Christian works and does not play? It's not an opportunity! When you are not on your computer, you will find it by pleased your passion for motorcycles. A real gear, Christian loves to play with his bicycle and savor the joy of the open road in his 320 cc yamaha R3. Once a speed demon that reached 120 mph (a feat he promised to never repeat), now he prefers paused trips along the coast, enjoying the wind in his thinning hair.
Speaking of cold, Christian has a team of hairy friends waiting for him at home. Two cats and a dog. He swears that cats are much smarter than dogs (sorry, brown), but loves them all anyway. Apparently, seeing your pets simply relaxing helps you analyze and write meticulously better formatted articles.
This is what happens with this type: it works a lot, but it is maintained with enough coffee to spend the day, and something very delicious (Filipino). He says that a delicious meal is the secret ingredient of a murderous article. And after a long cryptographic day, it relaxes with a little rum (mixed with milk) while watching Slapstick movies.
Looking towards the future, Christian sees a brilliant future with Newsbtc. He says he looks privileged to be part of an incredible organization, sharing his experience and passion with a community that values, and other editors, and bosses, deeply respects.
Then, the next time you step on the world of cryptocurrency, remember the man behind the words: the cross crypto, the fat monkey and the feline philosopher, all in one.
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