For the first time in history, the Argentine Senate has opened its doors to discuss bitcoin, thanks to the efforts of Argentina bitcoin NGOs. The conference, entitled “bitcoin and its regulatory framework”, was held this week at the Hall of Arturo Illia of the Legislative Palace.
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Organized by the Argentine bitcoin NGOs, the event brought together key political advisors and department leaders of several political blocks to explore the potential impact of bitcoin on the economy and regulatory panorama of Argentina. Gabriela Batiato, lawyer and legal coordinator of the Argentine NGOs, directed an in -depth discussion about philosophy, evolution and global regulatory debates that surround their adoption.
“This is a key step towards the legislative recognition of the cryptographic ecosystem. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are already part of economic reality, and it is essential that strategic decision makers have clear and precise information,” said Ricardo Mihura, president of the Argentine bitcoin NGO.
The conference was headed by Senator Antonio José Rodas, with the participation of Senator Mariana Juri de Mendoza, and showed a growing bipartisan interest in understanding and integrating bitcoin into the legal framework of Argentina. His discussion about bitcoin focused on the transformative potential of IT and his growing role in global finances.
“This event establishes a precedent and reinforces our goal of providing knowledge about bitcoin and Blockchain to all sectors of society. We will continue to promote these spaces because we believe that only through dialogue and education we can build appropriate regulations and promote the development of the sector,” said Jimena Vallone, executive director of Ngo bitcoin Argentina.
For those interested in seeing the complete conference, it is available on YouTube below:
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