Early today, the bitcoin Policy Institute (BPI)A group of experts based in Washington, DC, organized the “bitcoin for America” summit.
The event occurred following the signing of an executive order of President Trump (EO) to establish a strategic bitcoin (SBR) and the White House that organizes its first cryptographic summit.
One could have waited Jingoist connotations of an event with such a title. However, many of the speakers recognized that bitcoin is something that will benefit the entire world, and that, in part, for this, the United States should lead the way in adoption.
David Zell, director of BPI, marked the pattern for the event in his initial comments.
“Our goal for today is to continue this process, help people understand how bitcoin benefits the United States, and the world wrote great,” he said.
Zell was followed by Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), a bitcoin defender for a long time, who made the case natural that the United States establishes the rhythm when it comes to the adoption of bitcoin.
“This really is the money of freedom,” said Senator Lummis. “And the United States should lead when it comes to the money of freedom.”
Michael Saylor: bitcoin and American Digital Supremacy
The Executive President of Strategy, Michael Saylor, agreed with the senator, defending why the United States should lead in this field.
“I am here today to show you how bitcoin's strategic reserve represents a strategy for the United States digital supremacy in the 21st century,” he began.
He continued to argue in favor of bitcoin as digital property, stating that the United States should acquire as much as possible from it so that it can “rent and finance” about that property.
He also postulated that billions of dollars in commerce will flow over the bitcoin network, which is another reason why the United States should prioritize the acquisition of their participation in the network.
In addition, he said that bitcoin embodies US values and that possessing it is the best thing to live in the United States
“All those who live in Asia, in Africa, would move to the United States if they could,” Saylor said.
“They would move their money to the United States if they could. They want the US currency. They want the security of the United States. They want the values of the United States, but they cannot have it, ”he added.
“Then, the second best thing they can have is to move your money to the bitcoin network, which has all the values, protection and security of the United States”
Vivek Ramasswamy: bitcoin's long -term performance is the new high -risk obstacle rate
The candidate for the governor of Ohio and American businessman Vivek Ramasswamy followed Saylor, presenting the motion that the Hold bitcoin performance rate for a decade or more is now the new high -risk obstacle rate.
He prepared the stage for this statement making the case that we are returning to a “era of little capital.” Shared that this will be the inverse of the last 15 years, during which Fed printed money A lotin a similar way to a cocaine dealership that repairs cocaine to hungry users, as he said.
He explained that institutions will have to consider the question “what is my capital opportunity cost?” And, in doing so, they will have to define an obstacle rate for low and high risk investments.
Ramasswamy argued that the obstacle rate for low -risk investments is 10 years's treasure, while the obstacle rate for a high -risk investment will be bitcoin's performance rate for a period of 10 to 15 years.
Then he closed his talk by pointing out how American ethos and bitcoin's spirit overlap, and that, like the American flag, bitcoin is a symbol of hope.
“I think bitcoin and what it represents, rather than a financial asset, also helps to fill that hunger for a symbol, a reminder of what American greatness was,” Ramasswamy said. “And I think it does, in the national context, an even more appropriate asset to fill our national strategic reserve.”
Matthew Pines: The world is paying attention to bitcoin after SBR EO
Matthew Pines, executive director of BPI, said that bitcoin is beginning to take the center of the stage in the eyes of world leaders for two reasons.
The first, he said, is due to the fact that US debt markets have become increasingly fragile, which leads to global leaders to begin to seek to invest in a global reserve asset apart from the United States Treasury bonds.
The second reason is that President Trump's SBR EO clearly declared that the United States sees bitcoin as “digital gold”, and that it will only be a matter of time before other leaders see it as the same.
“Last Thursday's executive order landed on the desk of all the main president, Central Bank (president) and Minister of Finance in the world,” said Pins.
“Now there are discussions about how to interpret that. What does that mean for your own country with bitcoin? Governments do not move too fast, but when they do, they move in size, they move on a scale and can display billion dollars in capital that can have geopolitical effects, ”he added.
“And I think we are at this turning point where bitcoin's geopolitical aspects begin to be extremely important and can shape the next years of the future of bitcoin. bitcoin's career is already on, and the ball is on our court to maintain our advantage. “
Congressman Nick Begich reintroduces bitcoin's law
After Pines concluded his talk, he presented the representative Nick Begich (R-K) on stage, where the congressman made a great announcement.
“Today, I will announce bitcoin's law of 2025 in the United States Chamber,” said Representative Begich.
The bill, which is an updated version of the bill, the Lummis senator proposed last year, proposes that the United States acquires 1 million bitcoin (without cost to taxpayers) and protects the right of US citizens to self -carry their bitcoin.
“(The bill) explicitly protects the rights of people to possess, retain and transact freely with bitcoin,” said Representative Begich. “Recognize Autocustody as a fundamental right.”
Congressman RO Khanna: Democrats should support bitcoin
After a brief talk by Zack Shapiro, head of BPI policy, about why US states should have bitcoin in their reservations, representative RO Khanna (D-CA) argued why Democrats should embrace bitcoin.
“bitcoin should be a bipartisan,” said representative Khanna, the only Democratic policy that speaks in the event.
“Now, people can get bitcoin. That is transformative for so many people around the world, and that is why the Democratic Party should accept this as something that can create financial empowerment for people not only in the United States, but throughout the world, “he added.
Jack Mallers: bitcoin is a return to US values
After a handful of talks and panels, including the tastes of the CEO from Casa, Nick Neuman, the CEO of Newmarket Capital Andrew Hohns and Light Park CSO Christian Catalini, Strike's CEO, Jack Mallers, took the stage as the final speaker.
In his talk, entitled “Bitcoins Strategic Reserve: the US monetary revolution”, the Mallers presented the case that the establishment of the SBR was “a return to US values, including life, freedom and property.”
“The strategic executive order of the bitcoin Reserve and the bitcoin Law proposed by Senator Lummis is the most significant change and economic announcement and the only positive economic announcement that leaves the Capitol of this nation in the last 100 years,” Mallers said.
He continued to say that the American economic policy has been working against the principles that the country was founded and cited Executive Order 6102 (confiscation of gold under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933), the Nixon shock (President Nixon depends on the US gold dollar in 1971) and the BANK RESCUES OF 2008 As evidence.
However, it ended with a high note.
“(This is a fundamental moment in American history and a turning point in economic policy for this country,” said Mallers. “The history of humanity is (people) engineering of a better world, that is America, that's bitcoin.”