During production, the series changed and evolved, just as it should have. Even the title is different. Sting is now TeacupThe reasons for this are too revealing to share, but watch the first few episodes and all will be revealed. The point is that the series is now very much its own: a puzzle mystery, an edge-of-the-seat thriller, a I can't but I must Watch a horror story, a family drama, a sci-fi epic – the keyhole kind, of course.
But as unique, strange and surprising as it may be, I hope… Teacup That is, all you need to do is peel back the layers, the characters, the situations and the mythology and look behind the thrills, the chills, the hairpin turns and It makes you gasp reveals. Do all that and you will see, deep down, Teacup still stands on the shoulders of Sting. Just as it should.