Spotify's slow move to put lyrics behind its paywall on its music service is as popular as you'd expect. The precise details of the update are evolving, but what we can say at this point is that it looks like Spotify has a new feature up its sleeve to try to convert free users to the paid service.
He because Behind the play matters more than what. Sure, it's a little strange that Spotify is going to start putting information that's freely available online behind a paywall, but the company finds itself in a bit of a difficult position today. Thanks to an early start and attractive pricing, Spotify is huge. He does it billions in revenueand helped revolutionize the music industry forever.
That said, it largely offers paid access to other people's music. Other companies do the same. Apple is one of them. That means Spotify's pricing power is modest at best. Features like its annual music review are cool, but they don't allow Spotify to charge more for its primarily music service than, say, Apple Music.
But since Spotify makes a lot more money from its paid accounts than from free users, it can at least least try to get them updated. And you only have a limited number of dials to turn there. So, behind the paywall go the letters. For those of us who already pay, it's not a problem. But for the budget-conscious, it may seem like your previous service is getting worse for no reason they can discover. As long as some become paying users, Spotify will put up with the complaints. You need the gross profit.