A common criticism of remote learning is that it can sometimes seem impersonal. CA Essential Webcam Flex is designed to counteract this by making learning more collaborative, effective and, of course, personal. The multi-function webcam helps teachers achieve this by living up to the term “Flex” in its name. The webcam is mounted on an easy-to-swivel arm that can be moved to the center of a monitor or extended to support lesson and instruction. This makes it easier to make eye contact with students on video calls and can help teachers share educational materials. That is how.
Center view
A key feature of CA Essential Webcam Flex is the central view. This feature allows teachers to easily move the camera eye to the center of the screen while minimally obstructing their view of the screen. This makes it easier to maintain eye contact with students watching the class. Maintaining natural eye contact makes the virtual environment more like real life and research suggests makes participants in video calls feel more comfortable. Center View users can also place the camera exactly where they want between a multi-monitor display.
Table view
This feature allows teachers to place the camera facing directly over their desk. In this way, the webcam functions as an overhead projector and can capture notes or other materials that the instructor wants to share with students. For example, if a teacher is teaching a math lesson, Table View allows them to walk through step by step, showing students how to complete the task without having to hold up papers or use special software.
Plug and play
Despite these advanced features, configuring CA Essential Webcam Flex does not involve any additional work. The tool works like a traditional webcam and is plug-and-play with no additional software required.
While most students returned to school after the pandemic, a small but significant group of students remained virtual, leading many districts to expand their virtual education options. Overall, virtual learners are increasing, with K-12 enrollment being one of the largest increases. Now that online class is becoming a permanent, long-term option for families to consider, it is crucial to evaluate where improvements can be made and CA Essential Webcam Flex can provide great support for this mode of teaching.
Learn more about CA Essential Webcam Flex here. Available in Amazon and of cyberacústica.com