Devconnect, the week-long meeting of the ethereum ecosystem and community, concluded its second edition in Istanbul. During the week, more than 3,500 participants from various backgrounds gathered from November 13 to 19 at Devconnect Cowork at the Istanbul Congress Center, and many more joined the More than 70 deep events organized by independent teams from the ethereum community. Events were held in various locations across the city and beyond, celebrating the breadth and depth of the ethereum ecosystem.
Thank you to everyone who was part of Devconnect! We are very happy that everyone who was able to join us during an intense week, full of conversations, talks, workshops and real-life connections. A massive thank you is due to all the independent organizers, volunteers and all the attendees who participated, discussed and contributed.
A week of learning, sharing and progress.
At the heart of Devconnect was its focus on the progress of the ethereum ecosystem. As a gathering built by and for the community, many ecosystem teams hosted separate events focused on their respective experiences on ethereum. Key topics ranged from Layer 2 scaling solutions and programmable cryptography to real-world applications, showcasing the versatility within the ethereum ecosystem and community. One notable technology used for Devconnect ticketing was Zupass – an open source tool created by developers from the Devconnect and Zuzalu communities. Zupass allows the creation of ZK tests to, for example, verify attendance at events.
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Devconnect IST brought our global community together in one place, generating real-life connections that are so important to our decentralized ecosystem. The backgrounds of Cowork attendees were varied, including developers (33.7%), founders (19.4%), researchers (11.6%), marketers (5.8%), designers (2.4%). %) and more. This combination of background and experience fostered a unique environment for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
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Local impact and global connections
A unique aspect of this year's Devconnect was the notable participation of the local Turkish ethereum community. A plurality of all Devconnect Cowork attendees were Türkiye locals, making them the largest group at 17.5% of total attendees. Events like eth Day and not DEVCON for IT blockchainthe largest blockchain club in Istanbul, emphasized the importance of local communities and generated connections between local and global communities.
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Thinking in the future
As we reflect on the success of Devconnect IST 2023, it is clear that this event is part of a broader evolving trend within our decentralized ecosystem. Devconnect's unique format, similar to the Zuzalu vs Zuconnect (which took place just before Devconnect in Istanbul), represents a new paradigm of our decentralized ecosystem: coming together for a week or more, working collaboratively on the challenges we face and making tangible progress.
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Join us next year
We are excited that our next event will be Devcon 7which will take place in Southeast Asia in November 2024. Stay up to date with the latest news on the road to Devcon by by subscribing to our newsletter.
Keep connecting
- See more photos from Devconnect IST here
- View Devconnect IST events, recaps and photo galleries on their websites. here on the calendar
- Follow Devconnect and Devcon on X/Twitter for updates: @EFDevconnect, @EFDevcon
- Connect with Devconnect attendees at the Community Center (You will need to provide ZK with proof that you have a ticket to one of ZK's ticketed Devconnect events)
Yours sincerely
devconnect team