At a recent conference I was speaking at, an audience member wanted all Google Slides fonts to be italicized. Apparently, whoever is creating the resource is using a font that is installed on their computer, so when it is uploaded to Google Slides, the font is replaced with non-English characters. I needed an easy way to change all the fonts, all at once.
I used ChatGPT
I thought this might be a fun party trick. I asked ChatGPT to create a plugin for Google Slides that would change all Google Slides fonts to italic using the “Homemade Apple” font. It took me about 2 minutes to go from requesting ChatGPT to publishing it live and available to everyone.
small edition
I copied and pasted the ChatGPT code into the Google Slides script editor… it almost worked! I had to make a small edit where there was a slide that had no text. Boom, it worked.
Updated Random Slides
Since this seemed like such a random thing, I added the code as a feature to “Randomize Slides by AliceKeeler.“
Google Slides in Italics
If, for fun, you want to make your entire Google Slides presentation with the “Homemade Apple” font, I would recommend that you first go to the version history in the File menu and name the current version. This will make it easier to get your presentation back to how it was.
For fun, would you like your Google Slides to have a curved format? I’ve updated Randomize Slides to have a feature that turns all text boxes into italics.
Engage is Kognity’s online event that will bring together educators from schools and districts across the country for a day full of learning, networking, and collaboration. Attend for free using code ALICEKEELER100
Create a new Google Keep note quickly! Keep is a Google product that will help you quickly take notes and ideas.
Teach a lesson with the lesson builder in Desmos Classroom? It may be helpful to have student responses and sketches from one screen appear on another screen. Here’s how to sketch and display your Desmos classroom.
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If you use ChatGPT, you may need help with formatting when pasting into Google Docs. Formatting ChatGPT is quick when you use my plugin to format Google Docs, specifically for marking from ChatGPT.
<li class="wp-block-post post-37634 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-edtech-tool category-figjam tag-edtech tag-figjam”>
I replaced Google Jamboard with FigJam. It is a better collaborative digital whiteboard. One of the big differences between Google Jamboard and FigJam is the lack of pages. Instead of pages, FigJam has sections. A unique feature is being able to hide sections until you are ready for students to use the section’s resources.