A few weeks ago I attended a webinar hosted by Dr Gary Stager. At one point in the webinar, the discussion turned to identifying flaws in lists created by AI tools like ChatGPT.
Thinking about the conversation in Gary’s webinar combined with the recently presented export function to Google Bard documents inspired this post.
The concern I hear most expressed about tools like Google Bard and ChatGPT is about the accuracy of the information displayed. My response is to turn that concern into a teaching opportunity.
One way to resolve concerns about the accuracy of the information displayed by AI tools is to create an annotation activity for your students. Take the results of a chat in Bard or ChatGPT and place them in a Google document or Word Doc for your students to annotate.
Some of the annotations you might have students add include identifying faults, verifying claims, and making suggestions for improvement.
The process of annotating ChatGPT results and Google Bard results is shown in the videos listed below:
Professional learning at your own pace
I offer a list of self-paced courses that you can start now and finish over the summer (or winter for my southern hemisphere friends).
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